You have found one of the It could be the Mobile Home's offered here It may be the Links to the "Find Missing Children women and men" or the ******* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have a lot of info on Homes and Mobile Homes in ALL areas of the country Click on the PAY PAL button below I have a more important cause I am spearheading ********** PLEASE take a minute to Sign our petition seen *** Be Outraged and Let your voice be heard ********* **** I have donated my time and web skills to promote this page 2 are my own inventions, creations and ideas ********** ****** If you are selling a mobile home and need help - I also offer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thet were Packaged By Adult Handicapped ************~~************ ********* *********** If you need reliable - Guaranteed major appliance repairs I ask for NO MONEY **** BUT
********* The inspirational and Award Winning story behind my efforts to help others and my invention is found at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I also must add the site You'll get info on I have developed this too I have my $1250.00 already ~~~~~~~~~~
Many people have a dim view of Mobile Homes and MH Parks from the TV show Cops I can assure you NOT ALL Mobile Home Parks are like what you see there *********** I must add this ~~~~~~~~~ The Phone numbers seen on this page are those provided by the sellers Also see the Century Home for sale Many Furnished Mobile Homes in Twin Pine Village ~~~~~~~~~~ *********** Asking prices may change without notice Don't be afraid to contact owners with an offer *******~~******* I am a friend of the owners of the homes seen on this page I am NOT a Mobile Home Broker or Real Estate agent This page changes as the houses sell ~~~~~~~~~~ If you are selling a home ~~~~~~~~~~ Rentals available too Visit the Links - Watch the Videos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Located in the best fishing and golfing in The Entire U.S. **** **** The homes are located in QUIET PARKS - 55 and Over It is my understanding there is a State Law ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The exact location of each home ~~~~~~~~~ OR contact me Low Lot Rents = $330.00 to $375.00 &~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~& Fabulous - remodeled / upgraded homes Many units available / Rent / Lease to Own / Buy Outright ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********** AND finally before we get to the Mobile Homes for sale It also offers an Honor System Military and Veterans Discount Please watch this video It is the TV Commercials which I ran for the Foot Eze It offers MY FOOT CARE INVENTION
The homes SEEN ON THE PAGE are ALL Furnished and have Central Air ***~~~*** The first home is a huge - This next home is a real Bargain Make an Offer !!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEXT Home with Work Shop and Tools The Next of the Featured Then Make an Offer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~$$~~~~~ IF you are looking to Rent Mobile Homes For Park Rentals ~~~~~~~ There is ONLY ONE Mobile Home Park on Cape Coral NOW ********** Si vous etes Canadien vous etes bienvenu ici **~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~** I will take a video of your house or Mobile Home and Place it on various net sites like You Tube You have complete control over what the text of your page is ************* ************* Now my over 380 sunsets picture On Cape Coral without missing One Night - I also have found a Century Home In Pierpont Ohio with a 2 bdr 52 x 10 mobile home added/attached in 1990, Needs work but remember - IT IS over 100 years Old ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am sure you noticed If you are looking to list a home
************* Maybe your looking for a way to save money with discount offers *********** Our most popular Discount Offer Available to EVERYONE is found at The above offer has been seen ON CNN I-Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know you Will find everything on any of my pages to be VALID No Risk There is an Honor System Military and Veterans Do you want to pay as little as .04 per gallon of gasoline ??? ********* ~~~~~~ I have another invention ~ A MUST HAVE ACCESSORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact me ~~~~~~~~~ Now to see the fabulous weather we have in the Ft M yers Area
You have been the I need to sell my Mobile home I need a place to stay My family is losing our house, we need help Consider A inexpensive cheap well kept mobile home in Florida mobile home Before going on the the other homes for sale info below or almost anywhere they serve ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am sure you noticed If you are looking to list a home
Twin Pines Village, Buccaneer Trailer Parks Sunset Village Island Vista Family Mobile Home Park Coralwood Coral Wood Village Mobile home park Cape Coral Florida This page deals mostly with Mobile Homes for Sale / Rent sort term rentalS, spring training accomodations, ameaties, free southwest florida, ft myers flolrida, FL FLA. cheap low income housing cape coral florida, Family all age mobile home park Under 55 trailer parks Prices shown here may NOT Unique - Furnished Mobile Home Buy Outright This page deals mostly with Mobile Homes for Sale / trailer trash white low income, cheap, vaction snowbirds canandiens, canada Canadians welcomed too Rent $395.00 is based on % down of agreed upon BUYING price -- None of these terms are set in stone Looking for a moibile home in Cleveland Ohio, for sale in greater cleveland area, OHIO Looking for a mobile home in Florida cheap inexpensive Own YOUR own home in a short time No penalty for early payoff ~~~~~~~~ I personally do not book rentals ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Owner Financed ~ OR Buy Outright ~ ~ Get $310.00 Cash @ Move In ~ NO Reasonable Offer or Proposal Refused On This Furnished ~ He who hesitates is lost OR Make arrangements Today Just bring your tooth brush ~ soap and towels ~~~~~~~~~~ Tired of Searching the Net for a 55 and Over Park - No Outdoor Pets ~~~~~~~~~~ Pics and Video Just Added Below on Oct 10th If you want to be a Snowbird or It's NOT to early to start planning your move Owner Financed Purchase Agreement Seller will accept any reasonable offer for Outright Sale See the featured mobile home's VIDEO below Canadian Inquiries Welcome Reason for selling - ~~~~~~~~ Home is in a 55 and over park, Contact me for address Park has many Canadians, Toronto, Michigan, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Mobile Home Featured in the following video will not last long No mortgage or house payment or sky high Florida insurance and taxes Right in the middle of Now is the time to make arrangements for buying This can also be a great Full time home This area has some of the best weather in the nation on a year round average The featured home offers the option A 1996 Lincoln Town Car = The car blue books at AROUND $6000.00 Car can be bought outright for $3,500.00 Buyer MUST be cleared by Park after a background check ( FREE ) No Reasonable Offer Refused Or call 239 ask for Bill ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you NOW live in Tyrone PA This Home is on the inside of a bend in the road and is the Biggest Lot In the Park -- Lots of shade trees and Flora ( plants ) One of the few older homes with whole house air Home was originally 58 x 12 but Newer 3 ton Air conditioner / heater Furnishings Include: And I'll even leave dishes and utensils For a Mobile Home Purchase - In Florida you take the market value of the contents of a furnished home 4 ceiling fans ( shown in floorplan ) Roof Vents ( the kind that look like a kings crown and spin ) Tangible taxes around $140.00 per year Heat reflective / privacy tinting on most windows Close to Shopping ( Wal-Mart just 1.5 miles ) Just 20 miles from the Gulf Of Mexico, Sanibel Island, Pine Island & Beaches Southwest International Airport 25 minutes away I-75 is 4.5 miles 55 and over park Lot rent for current month of purchase will be paid ~~~~~~~ Here is the Video Tour Bill -- at email link above ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also take a video tour of the only home on Cape Coral ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a very small fee OR Call me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ There is almost too much info on this Mobile Homes For Sale Page Most are in Ft Myers FL. - Cape Coral FLA. - Punta Gorda - Southwest Florida **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** Now a video of a home with For really inexpensive homes and low lot cheap lot rent
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looking for a Mobile Home and Own a Pontoon Boat ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************* Enormous Lot 300 x 300 Below is a short video ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ I know the video is short !!!! Nancy is what Ray Barones father, Frank, called him on the show Everyone Loves Raymond You get a grace period of 14 days ~~~~~~~~~~~~
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now for the Important Stuff ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an opportunity for an organization - individual - town - or group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** Just for finding this page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why am trying to help others ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1989 28 ft Play Craft Many other extras Pontoon Boat for sale Cape Coral FL More pics Upon request ~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~ **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** Go **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** . OR **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** Although there are many many mobile home parks in Southwest Florida HERE ARE Some more mobile homes There are family parks in the area also but not many Most Lot rents run from $395.00 per month to well over $500.00 Nancy Nancy is what Ray Barones father, Frank, called him on the show Everyone Loves Raymond You get a grace period of 14 days ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The above featuresd home is in a park with ONLY $310.00 lot rent **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** Mobile Homes AND Regular Homes for sale **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** HERE **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** I will list your home here A 1% finders fee is expected if you sell Mobile Homes for sale **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** A lot of Manufactured and Mobile Homes For Sale Here **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** . A great site with search engine for Mobile Home Rentals / sales In Florida when you purchase many items from ~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~ **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** Manufactured / Modular / Mobile Homes for sale or rent in Ft Myers FL. - Cape Coral Area
$4000.00 and UP For really inexpensive homes and low lot rent ( 310.00 per month includes water, trash and lawn ) web site - . .**~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Mine Has brought me luck and protection
~~~~~**~~~~~ **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** If you are planning a visit to the Cape Coral - Ft. Myers - Sanibel area **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~**
A Great Contest . . . **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** And another is **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** Here **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~**
**~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Share your photos with the world FREE ~~~~ The patent for the Foot Eze universal foot care relexology foot massager is for sale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is an ADDED BONUS Just for reading this page *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* **~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~** ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mobile Homes for Sale N. Ft Myers FL. Cleveland OH. OHIO ...Pierpont OH. This is one of the oldest houses still standing in Pierpont Oh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will help keep this page on the internet ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** And now here are Stop HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Please stop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The webmaster and composer of this page - Bill - Please watch this video It is the TV Commercials which I ran for the Foot Eze It offers MY FOOT CARE INVENTION
Palm city brokers, mobile home brokers, agents for sale for mobile homes brokers in Palm ciTY, fT mYERS FL. cAPE coral. Escape the cold winters of the north, Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylavania, Michigan, New York residents looking to move to Florida. Ohio couple want home in Florida. Retired couple looking for Mobile Home in FLA. We want to become snowbirds in Florida,
Palm city brokers is one of the best known agents for mobile homes sales in ALL of Florida.
exscape the cold winters of the north, Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylavania, Michigan, New York residents looking to move to Florida. Ohio couple want home in Florida. No more freezing up north, retire in comfort and peace and cheap homes, Inexpensive rent and no mortgages. HOME, MANUFACTURED HOME, MANUFACTURED HOMES, MOBILE HOMES, Mobile Home for sale,
Manufactured Home, Manufactured Housing, Mobile Homes, ft myers fl, cape coral ... Looking for a mobile home in Ft Myers Cape Copral Florida cheap inexpensive, low lot rent, free ameneties, 55 and over - No pets pets allowed No Children Children Allowed Trailer parks, In Florida.
Gulf coast - southwest florida, fl fla, fy myers, naples, punta gorda, cape coral, florida, things to do in Cape Coral florida fl fla. things to doo in Ft Myers Fl Beach. Beaches boating fishing golfing retirement winter homes, mobile homes, manufactured homes manud=factured home for sale, Where can I find somewhere to live cheap in any state - Cheap inexpensive, downright low cost Minnesota state flag Minnesota Misssissippi state flag Mississippi Missouri state flag Missouri cANDIENS canadienes canadians alos welcome toronto I am lookng for mobile homes in Florida, Where can I find mobile homes in Florida, Fl., Fla. I need to find a mobile home in Fl., Florida, Fla.,
. And for some great Starcrest of california catalogs complaints not about this item. Hurrican Wilma Charley Rita Katrina have hit Cape Coral> The Christmas Boat Along and light parade FOR 2004 2005 2006 Were near Naples, We serve senior citizens, Hurricanes dameged many trailers in parks in florida and you should look at the pictures from those storms before you consider buying We offer Freebies, feet are killing me, callouses remover, policemen, postal workers, disabled assistive devices mobile homes, punta gorda, port charolette, charlette, A mobile home must be able to with stand hurricane winds if it is properly tied down, Southwest florida is the ONE OF THE TOP 10 fastest growing areaS in the Ft Myers Beach, naples, maimi. Golfing fishing , retirement capital of the world, inexpensive, tampa and orlando all have their own special attractions. But I like Cape Coral & Southwest fl is just great family parks
CHEAP LIVING INEXPENSIVE LODGING BUT SEE THE links below with the pictures of the destroyed mobile homes Live here cheap, cheaply inexpensive, inexpensively, Yes we can, at top of list
me, callouses remover, policemen, patents sale, inventors digest, vacation, winter, disabled assistive devices, mobile homes, manufactured homes seniors, senior citizens, ft myers, fl, florida, fla, cape coral, southwest, tampa, miami, orlando, jacksonville, naples, punta gorda, port charolette, cheap inexpensive living - retirement - fishing boating golfing
mobile homes, manufactured homes seniors, senior citizens, ft myers, fl, florida, fla, cape coral, southwest, winter, vacation, tampa, miami, orlando, retirement, jacksonville, naples, punta gorda, port charolette, charlette, gulf coast, handicapped, live, pregnant, freebies, feet are killing charlette, gulf coast, handicapped, freebies, , punta gorda, port charolette, charlette, gulf coast, handicapped, live, pregnant, freebies, feet are killing me, callouses remover, policemen, retirement, inventors digest, living it up, disabled assistive devices This site offers META NAME="Description" CONTENT="mobile HOME, MANUFACTURED HOME, MANUFACTURED HOMES, MOBILE HOMES, Mobile Home for sale,
Manufactured Home, resale, Manufactured Housing, Mobile Homes, ft myers, fl, used, resale, cape coral, gulf coast, naples, punta gorda Cheap housing, very inexpensive living,
META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="mobile homes, manufactured homes, senior citizens, ft myers, fl, florida, fla, cape coral, southwest, vacation, tampa, miami, orlando, retirement, jacksonville, naples, port charolette, charlette, gulf coast, used, resale, handicapped, live, freebies, feet are killing me, callouses remover, policemen, patents sale, inventors digest, mobile homes, manufactured homes, used, resale, vacation, winter haven, Orlando, senior citizens, great mothers day gifts, laser cut crystals, gifts for all occasions, fathers day gifts, easter gifts, ft myers, fl, florida, fla, cape coral, southwest, tampa, miami, orlando, jacksonville, naples, vacation, winter, disabled assistive devices, mobile homes, manufactured homes, senior citizens, ft myers, fl, sunrise, cheap, inexpensive, naples, port charolette, charlette, gulf coast, handicapped, freebies, feet are killing me, retirement, callouses remover, port charolette, charlette, gulf coast, winer, handicapped, live, freebies, feet are killing me, callouses remover, policemen, retirement, winter, inventors digest, disabled assistive devices red hat foot messsagers, feet sore, feet stink, stuff and accessories red hat ear rings, red hat bracelets, bracellettes
we can send gifts for soldiers to Iraq OR afganistan, manufactured homes, senior citizens, ft myers, fl, florida, fla, cape coral, southwest, vacation, tampa, miami, orlando. We arrange to send gifts to soldier in Iraq. Please send some gifts to any soldier in Iraq. OR ANYWHERE Hurricanes and Mobile homes in Florida damage to manufactured homes in storm s Florida FL., FLA.,
Twin Pines Village
E. River Rd
Mobile Homes for Sale N. Ft Myers FL. Cape Coral Florida, Manufactured homes for sale trailers parks. Cleveland OH. OHIO,Buy fortmyerscraigslist Rent modular Florida Mobile Homes Manufactured Houses. SALE ft myers palm city brokers florida FL Fla hurricanes tornados ALL STATES. canadians cheap inexpensive low income housing century homes .06 per gallon of gas. TRAILERS FOR SALE snowbirds retirement homes buying
Get a cool web address!
Get a cool web address! You might be rednack You are a redneck red neck if you call them trailers they are mobil homes mobile homes manufactured homes modular homes stop child abductions NASA HAS THE TECHNOLOGY to do this
ALL U. S., Nebraska, Iown, North Dakota Jobs, oil boom North Dakota Housing.
top of the lists of Homes and Mobile Homes for sale Cape Coral Ft Myers Punta Gorda
South West Florida Area
There are over 40 Billion pages ON the Internet
Why did you find this particular one ? -- I hope you believe in fate
I am positive there is somehting here for you
Maybe it is the House with an
actual 1962 Bomb / Fallout Shelter in Cape Coral for sale by owner
Seen Here with Video
Schedule a viewing from the web site and Make a reasonable offer
BUT I assure you if you take the time to look at the links found on this page
You will find the reason you were sent to this page
Honor System Military and Veterans Wives and Families Discount offers
At those links
No proof of service required
because we feel no one would lie about being in the service
Send me $1.50 and include your question about any home seen on this site
or for finding homes elsewhere
and I will answer as soon as I see you have made a payment
Think about how many families have an empty seat at their Holiday Table
Join the Effort to use existing satellite surveillance technology to find
Missing Children, Women and men and drastically reduce ALL other Crimes
We have the technology and MUST Demand it be used
CLICK HERE for the info and sign the petition found there, PLEASE
You just might save a life
Before getting to the Mobile Home info
I am a Cape Coral / Ft Myers area Resident
for the last 8 years
So please stop at the following links to help defray my costs
to take a video of your home and put in on the net
See Below
Many of my offers have an Honor System Military Discount
to ALL Veterans, Active Duty Soldiers their spouses
to show Support for Our Troops and Veterans
Send Any / Soldiers great gifts by stopping @
This Link
And consider what it has to offer
item is my own Invention
The hands free devices seen there were
invented by me after I suffered a paralyzing spinal cord injury
and is ideal for anyone who has ever said "
My Feet are Killing Me"
"I'm Stressed Out"
I know thats you
and every soldiers who ever put on a uniform
By Participating you provide jobs for them TOO
My Pontoon Boat Safety Device
This site offers my invedntion - the pontoon Boat Safety Device
What is your families safety worth to you ?
Here is the Best in the area
Erich Zimmerman - Action Services
Mention this page and get $25.00 off your first repair job
This link HERE
That's me, Mickey Mantle and my brother
and Mick is involved
It revolves around A Miracle I received after my spinal cord injury
Found HERE
It too has a Military and Veterans and families Discount
Before you say "Sure, when Pigs fly"
Those who have the info say about it
Its amazing and 100% true
You'll be Declared The Real Santa
share it with family - It's like giving them $1250.00 each
How to get $1250.00 while paying unbelievable low prices for gas and groceries
through a promotion a major bank is running
and It works - Guaranteed
Get Yours OR BE A LOSER !!!!!
I have lived in one for 20 years
and have never seen a police car
nor heard a Police siren
Link to a unique house
Its not a mobile home
because it has an actual 1962 bomb / fall out shelter storm room
The individual pages have all the current - updated info
and have agreed to take videos tours, edit and place their homes on the Net in a video format
for very reasonable price
You must deal with the home owners directly
So bookmark it
and come back to see the new offerings
contact me and I can come and shoot a video tour of your home
and will add it here
and on other sites
I add a link to your OWN page which I will also construct
Very Reasonable fees
Some of the homes I have done this for have sold within days
of the Homes on this page
Then make an appointment to see them
Here a video of Fishing In my backyard on Cape Coral
Bloody Shark Attack Cape Coral FL
NO Outdoor pets park
in place which requires Mobile Home Parks to allow 10 to 20%
of the residence to be any age
So even if you are NOT over 55 you may be eligible
if you ask the management
If you believe they are not being honest - contact
The Florida Department of Business Practices re: Mobile Homes @ 850-487-1395
is found on the individual page for the homes
HERE for more info on any home
Just add which home and what page you found it on
Most Include FREE Water, FREE Trash and FREE Lawn Care
Follow the links
to Take the Video Tours
located in in N. Ft. Myers.
You can Support Our Troops
Send Any Soldiers great gifts by stopping @
This Link
consider what it has to offer
The Buy One Get One FREE
item is Bill's own Invention
( thats me -- the webmaster of this page
My innovation - the Foot Eze - seen there is Packaged By Adult Handicapped
By Participating you provide jobs for them TOO
and Visit the site to help keep my pages on the Net.
Plus 20 x 9.5 ft louvered window and screened in florida room
a 10 x 10 storage shed/laundry room
total sq footage = 0ver 1300 sq ft
All furnishings and the Washer and Dryer stay
Located in North Ft. Myers Florida
Owners have just changed to Best Offer
Steal this
They are paying two lot fees as they bought a home in another park
So They are motivated to sell
All details
can be found @
this link
Furnished Mobile Homes
Is a nice, remodeled 20 x 40
- Updated Home -
JUST REDUCED TO $12,000.00
Newer Foam Roof Coating
Owner was a DIYer and has a Great Work Shop
Owner says many tools will stay
ask him !!!!
It's all in the video seen at the link
See the Video
Contact the Owners
for a viewing
Rental Units are FROM $400.00 per month
Email Park Management Here
Coralwood Village Mobile Home Park Cape Coral
rumor has it closing soon
~ The Most Unique Cape Coral Home ~
ever offered for sale
It has a Storm Shelter
which was originally added to the design of the home as a 1962 Bomb / Fall Out Shelter
Click HERE
To view that Video Tour
If you are Canadien you are welcomed here
and list it on this page untilit sells
ALL for $100.00
call me, Bill @ 239 540 8900
Amzaing !!!
Which is for sale
a fireplace room joins the House to the Mobile Home, fishing pond and huge Barn / garage
- in Pierpont OH.
Off Ohio Rt 7, 44082, Near Pymatuming Lake Reservoir -
about equidistant from Erie, PA. Cleveland, OH. Youngstown, OHIO
and 110 miles from Pittsburgh
Under $40,000.00 will take it
Ideal Hunting Lodge, Summer Home, Retirement ot Year Round Abode
A Place for the grand kids to get away
The century house is in OHIO
Click Here
TO get the details or Take the Video Tour
I would like you to ask yourself
"Do I appreciate what the troops are sacrificing for me ?"
and "Have I ever Cried
"I'm STRESSED Out" ?"
If you have YOU MUST stop at this next link
- Do you have sore ~ tired ~ achy Feet
Or foot odor ?
Would you like to help save soldiers lives ?
and we donate to a cause to save soldiers lives
Get something
~ for Yourself ~
Get some to send to a Soldier
or Fireman
Your Favorite Waitress
Childrens Teachers
Your Mail Man Postal Worker
We CAN send these to "Any Soldier" overseas In Iraq, Afganistan
or almost anywhere they serve
if you don't know one personally
and you can help save a soldiers life too
That is explained on the 2 for 1 offer page
Found HERE
for the Foot Eze - FREE Personal Care Items / Foot Care / Foot Massage Products
& Bonuses
this page came up in the top 10 pages when you did your Google Search
There are about 1 million pages on the net about mobile homes
so the top 10 is pretty good and I get A LOT OF EXPOSURE
I can either make a sales page up for your home
and I will place a link to your home on this page
for a small fee
OR you can continue to try to sell your home yourself
with little results
More Homes -- Contact owner by phone
It's info on How to get $1250.00 from a major bank promotion
while paying 1940 prices for gas and Groceries
as low as .04 per gallon
Thats right .04 per gallon -
Prove me wrong And I'll give you $500.00
This also has an Honor System 87.5% Military / Veterans / Wives Discount
For BIG SAVINGS on your gas and fuel prices
It really does work
100% Honest and on the level
WELL that link is true too
~ as impossible as it may to be to believe ~
It has been seen ON CNN I-Report
and their Families Discount associated with this offer too
As previously mentioned --- No proof of service is needed
because we feel no one would lie about being in the service
and get $1250.00 from a bank promotion
I know you want to SAVE at the pump
and on your grocery purchases
This is REAL -- no come on, no snake oil -- It works
Find out how to pay old time prices for your fuel and Groceries
and find out how to get $1250 per household from the bank running the Promotion
Read what others who have the info say about it
Listen to the intefview done with a DJ of the Year
- It's Proven, Guaranteed and Protected by PayPals Buyer Protection
with a Money Back Guarantee !!!!
To Get Your Money ~~ Pay Pal Protected
are the Free Gifts for Moms to be - And Seniors
for pontoon boat owners
it is a mount for a depth finder / fish finder
You can get a complete kit or just the plans
Pontoon Boat Safety Accessories
That page is found @
Hailey Dunn is Missing
from Colorado City Texas
Since Dec 27 2010
Click HERE
To See Hailey Dunn 's Face Book page
On March 21st Nancy Grace has been reporting a body has been found
in "Big Springs" Texas ( the name of the town is actually "Big Spring"
Big Spring is over 300 Miles from Big Springs
This is not the first gaff Mr Graces "crack" research team has made
send Nancy Grace a message from the media link ABOVE
asking why she ignores the SOLUTION presented here
To Find the missing......
HERE for more info on any home
Just add which home and what page you found it on
Todays weather For the Ft Myers Area is
Visitor to this page since April 26th 2008
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
End Of Page
whats the best way to sell a mobile home easiest way to sell a mobil home
i am losing my home and don't know what to do
help selling a mobile home,
How can i save my home from foreclosure
I would like you to ask yourself
"Do I appreciate what the troops are sacrificing for me ?"
and "Have I ever Cried
"I'm STRESSED Out" ?"
If you have YOU MUST stop at this next link
- Do you have sore ~ tired ~ achy Feet
Or foot odor ?
Would you like to help save soldiers lives ?
and we donate to a cause to save soldiers lives
Get something
~ for Yourself ~
Get some to send to a Soldier
or Fireman
Your Favorite Waitress
Childrens Teachers
Your Mail Man Postal Worker
We CAN send these to "Any Soldier" overseas In Iraq, Afganistan
Cleveland Ohio, for sale in greater cleveland area, OHIO
if you don't know one personally
and you can help save a soldiers life too
That is explained on the 2 for 1 offer page
Found HERE
for the Foot Eze - FREE Personal Care Items / Foot Care / Foot Massage Products
& Bonuses
this page came up in the top 10 pages when you did your Google Search
There are about 1 million pages on the net about mobile homes
so the top 10 is pretty good and I get A LOT OF EXPOSURE
I can either make a sales page up for your home
and I will place a link to your home on this page
for a small fee
OR you can continue to try to sell your home yourself
with little results
Perks, Lease to own homes, owner financing houses in Ft Myers Cape Coral AREA, Cape Coral Boat parade dec 21st 2008
Inexpensive homes Cape Coral
Lease to own, Owner Financed
Be the ones you saw
they MAY be Even Lower !!!!!
1000 sq ft
Huge Lot
& Get $310.00 Cash @ Move In ~
Owner Financed Purchase
As low as $395.00 Per Month Payment
ALL Terms are negotiable
We will work with you to put you in this home
I am VERY open to any proposals buyers might present
for less than MOST people pay for rent
Monthly Payment for Owner Financed Option Includes:
agreed upon amount to be applied toward principle balance
--- Free Lot Rent - FREE Water
FREE Lawn Care
& FREE Trash Twice a Week
Those amenaties alone are worth over $200.00 per mo.
in many other parks
Owner financing buyer must cover all fee raises and tiktle transfer fees
because of the 11% Tourist Tax imposed by LEE County
Which mandates
ALL rentals under 6 months are subject to their tax
For less than most people pay for rent
In a short time YOU can own your home
And set you own terms
for any reasonable offer --
~ FREE lot rent for remainder of month of purchase ~
~ Get $310.00 Cash @ Move In ~
* That can be up to TWO Months Free Rent *
Featured Mobile Home Located In N. Ft Myers Florida
Email me Here
For Home's Location
Don't be shy ~ This home will be off the market quickly
Mobile Home
Your search has just ended
If you are ready to deal
Spacious 1000 Sq Ft 2 Bdrm 1 Bath
On Biggest lot in Park
For added privacy
are Planning to Retire to Florida
This is the way to do it
Buy It Outright for Cash
AND WILL BE very agreeable to any terms
you propose for an Owner Financing Deal
Moving back north
Liberal Rules
Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin Snowbird Residents
Low lot rent of $310.00 for purchasers
the BEST fishing
and golfing in the U.S.
Too many golf courses to list
Tourist season is about to begin
The prices are ABOUT TO skyrocket
as Northerners are looking for seasonal homes in Florida
of a car
( 92k - most bells and whistles - excellent running condition and good gas milage )
This cream puff CAN Be Included in the sale for a negotiable price
( make an offer for both or either )
You Must inquire about this great car and great home
If the resident buyer is OK' by the park
it will be 3 days before new owner / renter can move in
Low terms if Owner Financed - $395.00 per month payment
Contact me
Email me Here
and are looking to move
to Florida
this home is for you
3 times bigger than any other =
Which Offers more privacy --
Roof just sealed in Feb 2007
All Electric ( Low electric bills )
My highest bill has been $118.00 ( water is FREE so electric is your only utility Bill )
It has a detached cement slab car port and utility shed
a huge covered paved, patio with tropical plants
and an umbrella of beautiful oak trees, ferns, plants and palms
the patio is ideal for cook outs -
or just relaxing outside in the shade
Tons of storage and closet space throughout the home
( huge newer 3 ton whole home air unit )
Enormous 19 x 14 ft living room / dining room / family room area
12 X 8 seperated breakfast nook area / sewing room / office with
loads of cabinet space & with sliding doors to seperate it from kitchen
Two rooms have been added, one each side of the living area and expanded that area to 28 x 22
Spacey Bathroom / lots of cabinets / storage
BDRMS ARE 11.5 X 9.5 & 8.5 X 8
- full wall closet in smaller Bdrm
Large Kitchen
Fridge, Stove & Microwave and Lotsa cupboards
Home has FIVE doors - a great safety feature
Two Bedrooms
1 bath
One Bedroom has small window air conditioner
Washer and Dryer in seperate laundry 4 x 8 room with outside entrance and ramp
Full Size Bed ~ Dresser & Matching Night Stand
Sleeper Couch ~ Love Seat ~ Rocker
Coffee Table ~ Entertainment Center ~ Shelf unit
Computer Center
Dining Room Table and Chairs and Breakfast Nook Table and Chairs
13 inch color TV
off the paid for price and that is what you are taxed 6% on
I will leave $6,000.00 in furniture AND appliances
I just saved you $360.00 in taxes ( 6% of $6000.00 )
Registration sticker = $52.00
FREE Water ( water bills alone average about $45.00 per month for other parks home owners )
FREE Lawn cutting and trimming included in lot rent - ( that is up to $60.00 extra per month at other parks )
and FREE Garbage pick up twice a week ( that is up to $100.00 per month at other parks )
ALL of those amenaties are included FREE in $310.00 per month lot rent
For year round residents -
Electric bill averages ONLY $100.00
My August bill was Only $74.00
( but I was not there for one 1/2 weeks )
Super Markets - Restaurants - Post Office all within a mile,
bus line across from park entrance
connects entire Ft. Myers / Cape Coral Area
Cape Coral Just minutes away
Caloosahatchee River just 3/4 miles away
Tampa is 120 north, Orlando - 160 miles North east - Naples = 35 miles south
Miami = 140 east
No pets: but many residents have small indoor pets ( cats - birds )
Has activity area for shuffleboard, Party room, billiards room
Bingo every Monday
Lots of activities to meet your neighbors
AND You get $310.00 cash @ Move In
That can be up to TWO Months Free Rent
Just click On the thumbnail to play
Remember OWNER is motivated to sell it
So don't be afraid to inquire
Here is the Video of the
1996 Lincoln Town Car
For Sale Ft Myers
with a Bomb Shelter / which is used as a hurricane shelter / tornado cellar
I have contacts who will visit any mobile home site in the Ft Myers / Cape Coral Area
and take pictures then send them to you through email
with a report of the condition of the home and my estimate of the worthiness of it
Fee varies with distance needed to travel
Use this email link for that purpose ONLY
Contact me
.Email me Here
Some are Rent Free for One Year - Some under $4000.00 ~ Some Furnished - some not
info on MORE homes is also availbale @ links below
Click HERE
FOR THE VIDEO of A Home with an Actual Bomb Shelter on Cape Coral Fl
( 310.00 per month includes water, trash and lawn )
Those amentaties alone add much much more to the monthly rent elsewhere
Call Twin Pines Village 1305 river road North Fort Myers Florida 33903
Mobile Homes
Fort Myers, Florida
Mon - Weds - Fri 9:00 a.m. to noon
Or other times leave message on answering system
Tell them you saw it on this site
You may get preferencial treatment
If you have trouble with the depth finder reading at ALL speeds go
HERE and find the the solution .
Century home For sale
~ Rural Setting
Click Here For Details
2 bdr mobile home was added on in 1985
Pierpont OH.
Near Pymatuming Lake Reservoir -
about equidistant from Pittsburgh, PA.
- Erie, PA. and Cleveland, OH.
Under BEST OFFER will take it
CNN Heafline news
Before getting to the Moblie Homes for sale in Florda Information you are searching the net for
This might be where you will find the reason you found this page
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To pay back for a Miracle I received
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Mickey Mantle Plays a Part
That's My Brother Mick and Me in the picture
taken in 1957 @ Cleveland Municiple Stadium >
This pontoon Boat
For Sale HERE
on Cape Coral Fla.
Best Offer takes it
2000 70 hp Johnson ( 3 cylinder )
Power trim
Just serviced with Water pump replaced
built in sink and cooler
27 Gallon Gas Tank
Dual Batteries
with inquiries
There is ONLY ONE mobile home park in Cape Coral proper:
Coralwood Village Mobile Home Park
419 S.W. Pine Island Rd.
Cape Coral, FL
Local Phone: 239-574-4945
Other Phone: 239-574-1737
Fax: 239-481-4628
it usually has some for sale
Price range = $10,000.00 to $22,000.00
Lot rent $495.00 - $595.00
and Manufactured homes for sale
in Ft Myers - Cape Coral FL area
CNN Heafline news
and rent Near Cape Coral Ft Myers FL
are even more homes and mobile homes in the Ft Myers area
E-mail me
Is found here
Get a FREE Bonus Gift
ANY of the designated pages linked from
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FREE Bonus Gift description is
The Foot Eze
IF YOU purchase any item from one of my designated pages
Those amentaties alone are over $170.00 elsewhere
Tell them you saw it on Bill Tomck s site
You may get preferencial treatment
Sunset Villas
to see what Hurricane Charley did to 15,000 mobile homes in under an hour on Sept 13th 2004 in Punta Gorda and Cape Coral FL
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At the Newest and Best Cape Coral Fla Info and Links Page
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Here is a video of three space shuttle launches as seen from my backyard
Near Pymatuming Lake Reservoir - about equidistant from Pittsburgh, PA.
.... The webmaster and composer of this page - Bill ... - 62k - Cached - Similar pages
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Fort Myers, Florida
Mon - Weds - Fri 9:00 a.m. to noon
Or other times leave message on answering system
~ The Most Unique Cape Coral Home ~
ever offered for sale
It has a house with Storm Fallout Bomb on Cape coral fl Shelter
which was originally built as a 1962 Bomb / Fall Out Shelter
Click HERE
To view that Video Tour
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