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phi vampires

Phi vampire do not feed off blood. but energy. and it dosnt even have to be the energy of a human. they can feed off the energy from a lightning storm or simply the suns rays. [note: i personly think this is a load of crap but hay somepeople belive it]. Im not quite sure what they think they do when they feed off humans but I see 2 posibilitys. the fist is that they feed off them by depresing them, by turning a normaly happy person into a depresed lonner or it could be the opisit they may feed off people happyness insted of there hatred and depresion.there was no information on the sites I went on which indicated oneway or the other

Acording to my sourse for phi vampires they do not hurt there pray. apparently they have a deep love for them.

Apparently difrent Phis need difrent amounts of energy and can get it in diffrent ways some can just walk into a crowded room and feed on the energy but some have to become intermet with their pray before they can feed on them.

also they need to feed more than blood vampires, at least a couple of times a day because the engey they draw dose not last as long as the energy in blood

The traditinal rule of a vapire not entering a house unless invited in a way applies to phis in the sence that they belive that enless they get the consent of their pray the engey they take from them will be useless and the feeding would have been a waste of time.


If you have any information on phi or other types of vampire or would like to correct anything I have written please e-mail me at