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Mayberry Days 1999

There were some doings on Thursday before we got there. Opie took these pictures of the unveiling of the new exhibit at the Visitor's Center. It is the original coat and hat worn by Hal Smith on the show and at other appearances he made as Otis. There is also some other Hal Smith memorabilia in the case and it was all donated to Jim Clark and TAGSRWC by the estate of Hal Smith and then was loaned to the Visitor's Center for display.

Jim Clark, Ann Vaughn and Emmett Forrest
Same folks, along with Maggie Peterson and Richard Linke

Friday morning we had breakfast at The Snappy Lunch, went to the Visitor's Center and then went to the Mayor's Proclaimation. We had porkchop sandwitches for lunch but ate them outside the Playhouse instead of waiting for tables at Snappy's. Some of the gang went to Mrs. Wiley's Tea Party but we skipped it this year. We enjoyed the Trivia Contest even though I only got 6 stickers on my fan. There was some real good music on the outdoor stage including a group doing songs from the War of Northern Aggression. They did "Eatin' Goober Peas" among others. The Doug Dillard Band was outSTANDING, again. After the show, we had the *Pool Party* at the Hampton Inn.

Saturday started with breakfast at Snappy's again, followed by the *parade*. Then we knocked around town for a while, getting back to the Playhouse in time for the end of the WBMUTBB Silent Auction. From there we walked around for a while before settling in at the Downtown Cinema. We caught a couple of episodes of TAGS before Neal Brower's lecture. After the lecture came the meeting and dinner for *TAGSRWC*, followed by Col. Tim's Talent Time and the *bowling tournament*.

Sunday morning we met some of our friends at *Quincy's for breakfast* before we all left Mayberry for our homes. It was a great weekend and I can hardly wait to do it again.

You can find more pictures from Mayberry Days 1999 at Mr. Schwump's place.