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Troll Kingdom: The Motion Picture
You are about to enter another dimension. One of sight and sound not unlike our own. But not all is what it seems. Although this reality bares resemblence to our own be warned some events make take the turn of the gross and the unexpected. This reality is a dark one where Christian's evil has spread and forever changed the fate of our world. Continue on at your own risk...

Chose your scene.....

Intro / The Betrayal
Attack of the Che Clones
Beware of Falling Stars
Ten Till Doomsday
The Journey
Into the Tower
Yesterday's Wrongs
The Horror of Trekk Towers
The Death of RobL
The Hitler Youth
The True Evil
Escape from Trekk Towers
The Final Nightmare
What Dreams May Come

Special Thanks to the Trekbbs family.

Even though the movie hasn't opened yet it has already created a number of spin offs in its wake...

Sardy's spin off series / DEA and Che's Spin off / Parallaxis's spin off