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Jeffrey Lang

ST: DS9 The Lives of Dax ST: DS9 Section 31 - Abyss DS9 The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One DS9 The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two
TNG Immortal Coil DS9 Prophecy and Change

For the past ten years, Jeffrey Lang has been focused on writing comic books, including funny animal stories, a well-received science fiction miniseries called Roadways, the 'Nanny Katie' stories, and the Grendel Tales: Devil's Apprentice.

'Dead Man's Hand' in the Star Trek: Lives of Dax anthology was his first contribution to the Star Trek universe. He also co-wrote Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Section 31 - Abyss with David Weddle, a writer for the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine television series.

Mister Lang's first solo Star Trek novel, TNG Immortal Coil came out in the Spring of 2002, and told the story of sentient android life hidden throughout the universe. Immortal Coil was the first regular Star Trek: The Next Generation paperback not to use the numbering system on it's cover.

Mister Lang will share credit with J.G. Hertzler for DS9 The Left Hand of Destiny duology, due out in the Spring of 2003.

Mister Lang lives in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, with his wife Katie and their son, Andy.

Other Authors

S.D. Perry David Weddle Jeffrey Lang Keith R.A. DeCandido David R. George III Heather Jarman Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels Robert Simpson J.G. Hertzler

Charlotte Douglas & Susan Kearney Andrew J. Robinson Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur John Vornholt Robert Greenberger

Bradley Thompson

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