Designed by Ron Holland based on his success with 1/2 ton designs.
LOA = 29ft. 11.5 in.
LWL = 25ft. 5.0 in.
Beam = 10ft. 4.0 in.
Draft = 5ft. 7.0 in. Racing version
Draft = 4ft. 7.0 in. Cruising version
Disp = 7,000 lbs
SA Main = 162.5 sq. ft.
SA Jib. = 225.6 sq. ft.
Sa total = 388.1 sq. ft.
Engine stock, 11 hp Universal Diesel.
Galley, 2 burner Alchohol stove.
Hull, solid fiberglass
Spars, painted aluminum.
Fuel, diesel 11 gallon.
Births, twin V berth,
twin starboard cabin,
single port cabin,
single quarter birth.
OWNERS MANUAL in tif format
Special thanks to: Tom Tilley for the manuals
and scanning & J Greely for copious help scanning and hosting the link.
Hull Speed vs, RPM Graph
Race Results!
WYSS WACE Spring 2003
Commodor's Cup 2003
Spring Series 2003 Results
17ft Thistle 1970 Clark fiberglass,all in great shape. Email Eric Roline At:
25ft Santana525 1979 Schock fiberglass,all in great shape.Lowest handicaped boat in fleet. Email Eric Roline At:
Fuel Gage System Repairs
Compass Replacement
Headliner Repairs
Mast Raising
Deck Balsa repairs
Keel Bolt Repairs
Yanmar Engine Instrumention Panel Upgrade
New custom made odor free fiberglass holding tank replaces the bladder!
CAD drawing of tank
photo of the tank with wood work and level monitor
photo of the tank completed
Cabin Upolstery Replacement
Ice box conversion to refrigeration
New Electrical Panel Upgrade
Transom Ladder
Slideout Stove Stowage
DMI to Ray ST60 Speed Interface
Self-tailing winch upgrade
Packing Gland re-Pack
Yanmar 2GM20
Future Projects
Force 10 Propane heater on bulkhead.
Propane heater-1.
Propane heater-2.
MainSheet Travel System
Engine area ventalation
Cal 9.2 Photographs
Great Sailing Links
Sunset on the way home from an evening cruise.
Silver Swan
This web site started to be about the Cal 9.2 that I aquired a couple yrs ago. I have many questions about improvements and repairs that are different from the 525 that I have. Over the last few months I started to receive E-Mails from other 9.2 owners that appear to be interested in reviving the interest in the 9.2. I hope to be able to post articles authored by other owners just like I did on the 525 site.
I traveled to Larsen Marine to meet the owners and survey the boat. Erick and Hildo were kind to me by taking me out for the sea trials and introducing me to Silver Swan. She was quite responsive and had the ability to tack on a dime. This proved to be handy while motoring around the marina.
On the way back into the marina after the sea trials we met Star Ship, the Cal 9.2 that Erick had raced on.
The History of Jensen Marine and the Cal 9.2
Jack Jensen started Jensen Marine in 1956. The first boats designed by Bill Lapworth were the centerboard Lapworth 24. Lapworth's design success resulted in his talents being utilized on several more yachts including the first of three 27 footers, a pop-top racer/cruiser with a nine foot beam. Jensen's Lapworth 24 sold quite well and was renamed to the California 24, named after the home state for Jensen Marine. The name was shortened to "Cal". The name Cal stuck with the company until it was forced out of business. Bangor Punta purchased Jensen Marine in 1965. The Cal Yacht factory was moved to Tampa, Florida in January of 1980. The Cal 9.2 line would have been manufactured in Tampa, having been manufactured from 1980 to 1984. The factory remained in Tampa until March of 1985. It was then moved to Fall River, Massachusetts and was managed by Jim Hunt, son of yacht designer C. Raymond Hunt. Bangor Punta also owned O'Day Yachts and Prindle Catamarans. C. Raymond Hunt had designed several of the O'day yachts. A 10% Federal Excise Tax was levied on the boating industry in the late 1980s that closed Cal, O'Day, and about 30 more sailboat manufacturers including Pearson, Endeavor, Irwin, Cape Dory, Seafarer, Aloha, Morgan, Seidleman, Gulfstar, Bristol and more. For more history refer to-(http://pages.sssnet.com/go2erie/calhome.htm).
The first major series of Cal sailboats designed by Bill Lapworth were excellent sailing boats with minimal bad habits. A couple of my favorites were the Cal 20 and Cal 2-30. I sailed the Cal 20 out in the San Francisco Bay and it was an excellent bay boat. In heavy air coming back from Drakes Bay, John had her surfing down every wave. I was the fore-deck captain and second opinion on navigation on the Cal 2-30 "Rampage" for the racing season of 1978. Back then we used a radio direction finder to triangulate our position when we were out in the ocean out of sight of land.She was campainged by Bob Sleath in the MORA (midget ocean racing association) series. We would race to Drake's Bay, the Farallon Islands and Half Moon Bay. Rampage proved to be a solid performer being narrow beam with 10,000lbs displacement. She could penetrate to windward with great ease. Rampage finished the 78 racing season loosing the tie-breaker for the spring series to a Morgan 33, earning a first for the fall series, resulting for a first for overall year 78 and the trophy.
Lapworth's Cal 3-30 was even a better performer than the 2-30, however I prefer the interior of the 2-30. There are interior similarities between the Cal 3-30 and the 9.2.
The Cal 9.2's Blood Line
In 1980 Cal licenced manufacturing rights for a
"New and exciting line of Cal Meter Boats" ( 1981 Ad)
from Jeanneau called the "RUSH" It was marketed throughout Europe as a 31ft performance boat based on Ron Holland's success in 1/2 ton designs. This version can still be found for re-sale around the world. Very little modification between the two versions.
Ron's objective was a responsive boat with modest displacement for the size with a little more beam. His tasks were further complicated by the requirement of roomy
interior for cruising. His design evolved into a beamy boat with a pinched
( Kinda sounds like an IOR boat
)The racing version has a 5.7ft draft with a higher aspect ratio
cast iron keel, 2 extra foot on the mast, and the cruising version has a 4.7ft draft cast iron keel.
There were a total of 4 version made:
"RUSH GTE" (deep keel)
RUSH REGETTE" with a lead keel
For the Jenneau owners group, they can be found at:
Jenneau Owners Group
For Rush Racing in Brittany France be sure to check out:
I received an Email from Sweden, Check out
for a link to Fredrik Ohlsson's RUSH web page
Searching the web I found another interesting factoid. In Brazil Mariner built more than 200 boats classified as a high performance cruising sail boat. All that I could find was the 5.7ft draft version. There were several on the re-sale market.

I received an Email from Joe Baptista on the other side of the Equator. He send this photo while out on a trip. Living Mamanguá (Ilha Grande - State of Rio de Janeiro), going to close city of Paraty.
The internet is a wonderful thing, received an email from Brazil from another Mariner owner,Geraldo Faggiano Jr. The photos are taken in Paraty.


My quest for a larger boat began after campagning "PRESTO" a Santana525 for the last 8 yrs. We wanted to spend more time on the boat to just get away. I've been back in school working on another degree so for us to take a vacation and travel is most dificult. I usually have to take the books with me. So we decided that we like to camp out and the boat would be a nice compromise, we will boat camp. The interior is condusive for this.
I was concerned over the Cal9'2's ability in light air. Most of our sailing us in light and shifty puffs, but this season we have had a few races with 10 to 12 knots out of the north west. It turns out to be a reach and beat up the lake and back. We also have had light air from the west. The Santana did exceptional in light air, and so far so has the 9.2. I found a used 2.2 oz drifter for the cheep and it works great. Being on its own luff, we have fun with inside out genoa changes.
The galley is quite conventional with a foot operated pump, large ice box and a gimbled two burner alcohol stove. A nice feature is storage cabnets under the sink and stove.
The quarter berth also serves as the navigation station. The table has storage under the flip up lid for all of the charts that would be needed. Hildo and family cruised the eastern shore of Lake Michigan for get away vacations.
Photo below from the Sales Brochure
It is difficult at times to perform the basic maintenance on the boats. We do not have the luxury of a full service marina with travel lift. We find other ways of accomplishing our projects. I find that they go a lot easier with help from the other club members. We have a wide assortment of talent when it comes to experiences to share. I was able to snap a photo while up the mast of the Catalina 28 in the next birth while doing a little mast light maintenance.

My favorite race is the
Long distance Wyss Race. I was able to finish re-sealing the keel bolts just in time to sailed the 9.2 on the 05 fall,
Wyss Race. 2005 I was just 2 minutes late to the start, not bad for just splashing her and then single-handing her.
The lake was formed by the TVA by the
installation of a dam on the holston river just north of Jefferson
City. This created a lake about 1.7 miles wide to the north and about 25
miles long to the bridge at 25E. It is possible to travel under the bridge
during the winter time. This is the annual low tide where the lake is about
40 ft lower than the summer.
Cherokee lake is large enough
to do a little cruising on. There are lots of coves and islands to
overnight in or on. A common tradition for some of the locals is to setup
camp on an island for the long weekends. I've included a report of an over-nighter
to German
Creek about a 16 mile one way trip. It has it's challenges when it comes
to avoiding shallow spots, especially during our annual low tide season
( 40 ft tide).

You can email me at roline@charter.net
Copyright 2003 -SilverSwan- All Rights Reserved