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Spiritual Awakening Tips
for Smoother Acceleration

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by Ask a Healer Admin J. Howell unless otherwise noted

Spiritual Acceleration is not for the faint of heart

Staying awake and aware in a society that seems hell-bent on distraction and things that make you sleepy again requires a tremendous amount of self-honesty, fearless spiritual warriorship, and warriorship in the face of sometimes unspeakable fear.

A soul who is continually awakening is also continually in a state of change and spiritual alteration. This is such a foreign state to third-dimensional flesh that all sorts of emotional, mental, spiritual and yes, even physical, things can happen that really can’t be explained logically. They are the effect of Spirit inhabiting form in such a way as to consciously raise the vibration of that form to Light Being vibration.

The following are tips that have been helpful to me in my own journey of spiritual awakening. I hope you find something of benefit here.

Remembering your support lines. As you accelerate and are faced with challenges, rapid change and third-dimensional density, remember that you have help available. One of the most common things I see is that people simply forget to reach out. They draw inward and away, and so, feel alone and vulnerable. Reach out to your spiritual circle. If you don’t have a spiritual circle, then find one. Reach out also to those on other realms who stand ready to help if you but ask. Prayer, meditation, dreamtime requests. Learn to ask for help when you need it. Don’t carry the load alone.

Utilize Dreamworld Assistance. One of the strongest times for healing and gaining clarity is when the conscious mind is resting. During the dreamtime hours, Spirit works miracles. You can ask for specific healing dreams or for healers to come and work with you in your dreamtime, and you can ask for specific information and guidance that may be needed. If you are a healer, you may agree to work out-of-body during dreamtime. Much great work is being done at this level. Your intent establishes the degree of Spirit involvement, so decide how you want to participate, and let Spirit know. Dreamtime has always been Sacred Medicine, and it is absolutely vital now. Absent healings, spiritual guidance, and messages are coming to all who will listen to their dreams. If you work regularly with a certain healer, don’t be surprised if they begin to appear in your dreams.

Women: Honor the Moon Cycle! If you still have your menses and you do not now practice moontime isolation, this may well the single-most important thing you can do, for yourself and for the planet. Disclaimer: I am not Native-American and do not represent moontime isolation according to any tradition. I am simply sharing that retreating for purposes of renewal, prayer and visioning during the menstrual cycle is a recognized way to enhance spiritual awareness. Your spiritual knowledge will greatly expand, and your body will receive tremendous acceleration and healing when you permit yourself this time to renew and to pray. If you are past the time of your Moon cycle, or have had a hysterectomy, you will still benefit greatly by committing to a monthly time of isolation. Begin simply, and gently.

Men: Recognize the Sacredness. Men have a vital role to play in the awakening of the feminine wisdoms on this planet. If you are a male in a position of authority at your workplace, allow women needing time off for isolation to have that time, and let it be policy that is known. Assist and support those women in your home who practice the Moon Lodge way by taking over whatever tasks would normally be done by your mate and allow her this time of visioning. After all, it is not just for herself that she does this. It is for the good of the planet, including you. By giving respect to this sacred and powerful time, you will help to heal an imbalance that has damaged humanity. You will also open your own feminine qualities of nurturing, intuition and creativity. Also, consider implementing a regular isolation period for yourself. Men have a body cycle, similar to the woman’s, and could benefit from a regular renewal time, as a balance for all the challenging ceremonies such as Vision Quest, Sundance, etc. It will be a real test of how willing you are to just “be”.

Get regular healing facilitation work. There are two good reasons to do this first, you will be helping to keep yourself clear and grounded during the accelerations, and second, you will have extra energy available via the supportive witness of the healing facilitator the integration of new data being input at a cellular level. Why wait until you are struggling, before you seek healing work? When it comes to utilizing healing energy for spiritual acceleration, the optimal time to see a healer is before you need one. Get a spiritual tune-up, to keep your vehicle in good running order.

Take responsibility for listening to your body. Through pain, sleep changes, aches, accidents, spasms, and other signs of discomfort, your body will communicate your state of balance (or imbalance) quite precisely, once you remember the language. Begin to be your own healer. Place your hands on the part of your body that aches or feels knotted up — ask for information concerning the non- physical cause of any imbalance in the body.

Pay attention to what you intuit or see. A flash of memory or mental picture may come and go so fast that we miss it. It takes a slowing down of the mental process, through meditation and other relaxing practices, to begin to notice how often we are receiving clues from our mind, such as a memory from childhood, or a certain thought about a situation that is current and challenging in some way. The images which flash through your mind will not be random though, at first glance, they may seem unrelated to the challenge you face. Explore, asking always for more information. Follow up at night, with requests for dreamtime clarification.

Dedicate more time via group work or training. An integrative Breathwork series or weekly meditation class will be good support now. By meeting with the same people again and again, you create an energy vortex by the group intention, which allows more work, at an increasingly rapid pace.

Use the energies of movement. Free form dance and stretching are great ways to keep blockages to a minimum. Dance or stretch while listening to lectures on tape, or subliminals. Also, integrate slow, rhythmic stretching as part of your meditative process, along with toning. You will develop a new sense of your body, the ways you hold tension, and the locations of “cell memories” that may need release. Get to know your physical form and it’s ways of communicating imbalance or blockage to you. In particular, get in the habit of stretching the neck and shoulders at any time you are tensing about a situation or potential problem. You may be able to reach a point of clarity without developing undue stress, if you learn to keep the energy moving throughout the mental process.

Use the frequencies of sound. Whether you play music by notes or not, try “Spirit Playing”. Sit at the piano or drum and focus on an issue, blockage, question, or point of emotional energy in your life. Take a few deep breaths and simply begin to play. Though you may have some initial resistance to this–the mind saying it is impossible, or the fear of playing something that sounds discordant–the music will move into a place of power within you if you allow it. Just play the energies, letting Spirit direct your hands on the keys or your rhythm on the drum. At some point, you will know that you are actively channeling off negatives, channeling in positives, or balancing something within yourself. If you work as a healer, you may also find yourself channeling harmful emotions for others, so that they may reach a point of balance. Do not be surprised if they call as you finish playing–it happens often here! My husband, Mac, introduced me to this way of playing and it has proven to be a wonderful and powerful tool for me. “Spirit Playing” has assisted in me in numerous absent healing situations, as well as helping me, personally, to balance emotional disturbances in my own energy field.

Take a megamineral supplement. Our connection to Mother Earth (physically) has been incredibly compromised by the leaching of vital minerals from our farmlands. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported several decades ago, that vital nutrients were completely absent from the commercially farmed soil and, therefore, absent from our fruits, vegetables, and grains. Trace minerals, which we used to get from our foods, are quite often not present in the previous quantities but can be easily replaced by taking a colloidal mineral supplement. The effect of taking these minerals is that you will be more strongly connected to Earth energies and more able to draw on them. Daily supplementation with these formulas may only be necessary for a short time (it took me about a week to feel a vibrating, solid reconnecting with the mineral energies of the earth), after which time you may only need to take the minerals every other day, twice weekly, etc. Let your body dictate the dosage.

Interact with Animals. Pets, and cats in particular, are wonderful medicine for trying times. Stroking an animal can center, ground, and even lower blood pressure in some individuals. Animals are great teachers, and will provide almost daily lessons for you. They can facilitate your dreamtime journeys in new ways.