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Armor Shop
Weapon Shop
Accessory Shop
Killermove Shop
Magic Shop

Message Board

Beginners Hall
Inn And Tavern
Position Standings
Lacour Tournament of Arms
Fun City
Cave of Trials


Fun City

Welcome to Fun City!!!!!

You: ::walks up to booth::

Ticket Seller: Welcome, would you like to buy a ticket, just 75 Fol per person.

You: ::looks through pockets::

You: ::pulls out the guild's official N.F.I.D. pass::

Ticket Seller: Oh, I see you have a N.F.I.D, so there is no need to buy a ticket.

Ticket Seller: Please go straight to the entrance.

You: ::walks over to the entrance::

Ticket Taker: Welcome to Nedian Funhouse! Oh, I see you have a N.F.I.D. Please go on through.

You: ::walks into Fun City::

You: Now where to go?

Central Square

To Lost Star Dynasty Square


Bunny Race Window

Gift Shop        Restaurant

Inn         Information Center    Tavern


To Fighting Arena Square                                            To Cooking Master Square