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Amir Khusrau : Bibliography
(Most of the following
works of Khusrau are currently out-of-print. Old manuscripts of some
of them are available in various libraries and museums in India as well as other

- Tuhfa-tus-Sighr (Offering of
a Minor) is his first divan - compiled around 1271 AD - and contains
what he composed between the age of 16 and 19 years.

- Wastul-Hayat (The Middle of
Life) according to him his second divan contains what he wrote at
the peak of his poetic career.

- Ghurratul-Kamaal (The Prime
of Perfection) Works he composed between the age of 34 and 43. The
preface of is divan has lot of biographical information.

- Baquia-Naquia (The Rest / The
Miscellaneous) compiled at the age of 64, after Alauddins death.

- Nihayatul-Kamaal (The Height
of Wonders) Compiled probably a few weeks before his death.

- Qiran-us-Sadain (Meeting
of the Two Auspicious Stars) Mathnavi about the historic meeting of
Bughra Khan and his son Kyqbad after long enmity.

- Miftah-ul-Futooh (Key to the
Victories) in praise of the victories of Jalauddin Khalaji

- Ishquia / Mathnavi Duval Rani-Khizr
Khan (Romance of Duval Rani and Khizr Khan) A tragic but one of
his most beautiful love poems about Gujarats princess Duval
and Alauddins son Khizr.(New reprints may be available)

- Mathnavi Noh Sepehr (Mathnavi
of the Nine Skies) Khusraus perceptions of India and its culture
some extremely valuable information. (Urdu translation available
- Maktaba Jamia, New Delhi)
- Tughlaq Nama (Book of the Tughlaqs)
in prose.

- Khamsa-e-Nizami (Khamsa-e-Khusrau)
(Five Classical Romances: Hasht-Bahisht, Matlaul-Anwar, Sheerin wa
Khusrau, Majnun wa Lyla and Aaina-e-Sikandari)

- Ejaaz-e-Khusrovi (The Miracles
of Khusrau) An assortment of Khusraus prose compiled by himself
has long treatise on topics such as Styles of writing, secrets
of governance and how to buy the right kind of slave.

- Khazain-ul-Futooh (The Treasures
of Victories) Khusraus one of the more controversial books (prose),
in which he has praised Alauddin Khalajis victories in extreme
exaggeration. (English translation by Dr.Waheed Mirza)
Hundreds of Farsi ghazals by Khusrau are spread in various collections,
apart from the above works. Khusrau is also credited with many other
books such as Afzal-ul-Fawaid (Utterances of Nizamuddin Aulia),
Khaliq-e-Bari (A versified glossory of Persian and Hindvi words)
etc. But the authenticity of such books has been argued upon by the
scholars. In 1920s some scholars in Aligarh collected many Hindvi couplets,
songs and riddles ascribed to Khusrau in oral tradition, and published
them in a book called Jawahar-e-Khusrovi. This is often dubbed
as the Hindvi divan of Khusrau.
Other authors / sources
on Khusraus life and works
(This list is roughly
chronological in order. Many of these books may be available in the
- Hasan Sajzi: Fawaidul-Fuad
or the compilation of Utterances of Nizamuddin Aulia (Originally in
Persian, also translated into Urdu). The author of this book was Khusraus
contemporary and friend.
- Ziauddin Barani: Tareekh-e-Firoz
Shahi (Persian/trans.Urdu) Barani was Khusraus contemporary.
- Ameer Khurd Kirmani: Siarul-Aulia.
(Persian/trans.Urdu) Authors father and forefathers had
been very close to Nizamuddin Aulia and earlier Chishti saints.
- Mulla Qasim Farishta: Tareekh-e-Farishta
(Persian) A writer from Mughal times, Farishta is less authentic amongst
scholars because of his exaggerated accounts.
- Mohammad Karam Imam Khan : Madan-e-Mausiqui
- Mohammad Husain Azad: Aab-e-Hayat
(1896 AD)
- Saeed Ahmad Marharvi : Hayat-e-Khusrau
- Agra, 1908
- Maulana Shibli Nomani : Hayat-e-Khusrau
- Maulvi Syed Ahmad Dehlvi: Firhang-e-Asafiya
(vol. I, II & III) (1908 AD) Most authoritative Urdu dictionary
documents many forms of riddles ascribed to Khusrau.
- Mohammad Amin Abbasi Chiriakoti:
Jawahar-e-Khusrovi, Aligarh - 1918. This is largest collection
of Khusrau's Hindvi poetry, compiled out of oral traditions.
- Prof. Mohammad Habib : Life of
Amir Khusrau, Aligarh-1927(English / Urdu)
- Vrajratan Das: Khusrau ki Hindi
Kavita, Kashi Pracharni Sabha, Varanasi - 1922 (Large collection
of Hindvi poetry)
- Dr. Waheed Mirza : Amir Khusrau
- Life & Works, Allahabad-1949 (Based on a Ph.D. thesis, completed
at London University) English/Urdu
- Naqi Mohammad Khan Khorjuvi: Hayat-e-Amir
Khusrau - Mae Tashreeh Raag-hae Ijad kardah, Lahore - 1964 (A complex
treatise on Khusrau's contribution to Music)
- Syed Sabahuddin Abdurrehman: Hindustan
Amir Khusrau ki Nazar Mein
- Dr. Zoe Ansari: Khusrau ka Zehni
Safar (Urdu)
- Dr. Zoe Ansari & Abulfaiz Sahar,
ed.: Khusrau Shanasi (NBT, New Delhi) Collection of essays on Khusrau.
- Shaikh Salim Ahmad: Amir Khusrau
A collection od Urdu essays.
- Arsh Malsiyani: Amir Khusrau - Ehd,
Fan aur Shaxsiyat, Delhi - 1974,
- Mumtaz Husain : Amir Khusrau Dehlavi
- Dr. Safdar Aah: Amir Khusrau Bahaisiyat
Hindi Sha'er (Bombay - 1966)
- V.P.Vatuk : Amir Khusrau & Indian
Riddle Tradition, Journal of Asian Folklore, (1969-70)
- Shujaat Ali Sandelvi: Amir Khusrau
aur Unki Hindi Shairee, (Lucknow - 1961)
- Raj Narayan Ray, ed.: Amir Khusrau,
Poona, 1973
- Syed Ghulam Samnani : Amir Khusrau
(English / Urdu)
- Amir Khusrau, Memorial volume
(Publications Division - 1976)
- Shahida Akbar and others : Tootye
Shireen Maqal A Persian Collection, Isteqlal Press, Lahore, Pakistan
- Masud Quraishi : Khusrau-e Shireen
Bayan Lok Virsa Press, Islamabad
- Mishra Bandhu : Khusrau ki Hindi
- Dr. Bhola Nath Tiwari: Amir Khusrau
aur Unki Hindi Rachnaen
- Dr. Tara Chand : Amir Khusrau aur
Hindustan, (Lecture)
- Shehbaz Husain, Nand Kishor Vikram
: Paheliyan, (Publications Division - 1979)
- Dr. Sohanpal Sumnakshar: Amir Khusrau
(Hindi) Publications Division, Delhi.
- Prof.Gopichand Narang : Amir Khusrau
ka Hindvi Kalaam - Nuskha-e Berlin, Zakhira Sprenger, (Urdu/Hindi)
Educational Publishing House, New Delhi - 1992. This contains some
150 Pahelis of Khusrau, discovered in a 18th century manuscript from
a library of Awadh, which was carried to Germany by scholar A.Sprenger.
- Prof. Mujib Rizvi: Khusrau Nama
- (Urdu) Maktaba Jamia, New Delhi- 1987. It explores the socio-cultural/religious
milieu of North India which gave birth to Khusrau and the Indo-muslim
culture. Rizvi also places the hypothesis that the symbolism in Khusrau's
Hindvi Pahelis and Dohas can have mystic / sufi interpretations.
Also see a very impressive BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE CHISHTIYYA: EUROPEAN LANGUAGE SOURCES at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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