Prominent Poles
by Roman Solecki
Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
University of Connecticut
Union, CT
 President Gabriel Narutowicz
This site contains a continuously growing set of short biographies of prominent Poles, dead or alive, who live(d) in Poland or abroad. An entry is usually a compilation of informations from one or more sources. My input consists barely in editing- and as a rule shortening- available biographies. By clicking on Index of Names one gets an alphabetic list of all entries subdivided into AE, FJ etc., while clicking on Areas of Interest one gets a list of specialties like Painting, Mathematics etc. Underneath is the list of names. Each entry includes a photo or portrait and links to sources.
Please e-mail any comments you might have to:
This site was modified onDecember 17, 2015. December additions:
Zygmunt II August, King of Poland and Lithuania
Monika Sosnowska, contemporary sculptor
ACKNOWLEDGMENT. It is my pleasure to acknowledge the help I got - and am continuously obtaining- from several individuals in preparation of short biographies of Prominent Poles.
During the initial stages of the project I got invaluable help in deciding on the form of the website from: Marcin Zmudzki, Washington, District of Columbia who also hosted the initial version of this collection on his website and Laura P. Zurowski,Ed.M., Providence, Rhode Island. They both actively participated in publishing some of the initial biographies. Prof. Constance Ostrowski, PhD, gave me initial help in building this webpage (HTML language).
Later I've got very useful technical suggestions regarding this website from Robert Strybel, Warsaw, Poland and from Don Binkowski, retired judge, USA. Christopher Hutchinson, Warsaw, Poland prepared a biography of Stefan Starzynski and also corrected some of the biographies prepared by me.
Several other people corrected some of the bios: George Azarko; Jaroslaw Biegalski, Waclaw Jedrzejczak, Steven Kaminski; Prof. Michal Kopczynski, PhD; George Kruszewski; Frederic Lavashery; Amy Leavitt; Zdzislaw Leliwa; Kris Murawski, MD; Prof. John Radzilowski, PhD; Robert Strybel; Mariusz Wesolowski, M.A.; Marcin Zmudzki.
Of great help were also the lists of names of famous Poles supplied by: Noreen Hasior; Prof. Michal Kopczynski, PhD; Prof.Karen Majewski, PhD, Andrzej Mikolajczyk; Michael Oborski; Prof. John Radzilowski, PhD; Jan Prygoda; Robert Strybel.
Also individual names of famous Poles were very helpful in building the database for this project. They were supplied by: Larry Adams; Don Binkowski, retired judge; Prof. John Guzlowski, PhD;Jerry Halkoski, Sue Knight; Lou Koenig, BS, triple patent holder; George Kruszewski; Bill Levinson; Christine Przybyla Long; James Conroyd Martin, Award Winning Author; Kris Murawski, MD; Piotr Muszynski; Toni Novak; Prof. Constance Ostrowski, PhD; David Piekarczyk; Prof. Maciej Pokora, PhD; Jeffrey R. Portko, Esq.; Jan Prygoda; Prof. John Radzilowski, PhD; Robert Strybel; Rik Suligowski; Tom Surmiak; Prof. John Synowiec, PhD; Radek Uberna, PhD; Curtis Urness; Pamela Vojnovski; Margaret Wacker, MD; Art Wagner; Mariusz T. Wesolowski, M.A.; Prof. Dr. Zdzislaw Wesolowski, PhD; Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Witczak; Angela Zaborska, M.A.; Marcin Zmudzki; Laura P. Zurowski
Finally let me also mention that several people sent me printed material which was very helpful: Christopher Hutchinson, Jeffrey R. Portko, Esq. and Robert Strybel.
Poles - Index of Names
Poles - Areas of Interest
Polish National Anthem (text and music in the article by Maja Trochimczyk)
The map of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ca.1630 is shown under the LIST OF NAMES
 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in ca.1630