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Prominent Poles

Kacper Kowalski – an architect, artist pilot, paraglider, specializing in bird’s eye view photos.

Photo of Kacper Kowalski, photographer

Born:  1977, Gdansk, Poland

Early days. Father: Pawel Wladyslaw- an architect, mother: Katarzyna born Jackobson- an architect. Kacper finished studies at the Architecture department of Gdansk Polytechnic.

Career. He specializes in bird’s eye photos. Exploitng the unsual perspective and image control which he has being simultaneusly a photographer and a pilot shows normally not accessible natural and urban paysages. In this way are generated removed from reality, almost graphic photos-paintings representing patterns, symmetries and assymetries created by humans and the nature. Kowalski became a paraglider pilot in 1996 and in 2005 he got instructor’s license. In 2010 he got license of a helicopter pilot. Kacper Kowalski is represented by a British press agency Panos Pictures.

Prizes, awards. 2006 BZ WBK Press Photo – III prize; Gdańsk Press Photo prize
2007 III WKF National Geographic – distinction; Gdańsk Press Photo -distinction
2008 Album For Gdańsk - I MKF – prize; International Photography Awards (IPA) - 9 distinctions; Gdańsk Press Photo – I prize.
2009 World Press Photo – II prize; NIKON Photo Contest International – prize; 75th NIKKOR Anniversary Award International Photography Award (IPA) - Nature Photographer of the Year; International Photography Award (IPA) – Prize; International Photography Award (IPA) – II prize; International Photography Award (IPA) – III prize; International Photography Award (IPA) – 20 awards; Grand Press Photo – II prize; Grand Press Photo – III prize; BZWBK Press Photo – 3 prize.
2010 BZ WBK Press Photo – I prize; Gdańsk Press Photo – I prize; Gdańsk Press Photo – distinction.
2011 Grand Press Photo – I prize; Gdańsk Press Photo – Grand Prix 2011; BZ WBK Press Photo – II prize; International Photography Award (IPA) – II prize.
2012 Picture Of the Year - III prize; Emirates Photography Competition - 1st prize; WBK Press Photo - I prize; Grand Press Photo -II prize.
2013 Best of Photojournalism (NPPA) - III prize; Grand Press Photo – I prize; Gdańsk Press Photo – I prize.
2014 World Press Photo – II prize; Picture Of the Year - III prize; BZ WBK Press Photo – II prize; publication of the first album „efekty uboczne’ (Side effects).

Achievements in flying. Champion OLC ofPoland; 2008 Champion XCC of Poland ; 2009 Second place in world classification of XC Open World Series’; First Pole who flew over 200 km without impulse; Four times record flights on paragliders.

Sources: This article uses mainly information translated from the Wikipedia article
Wikipedia Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Additional sources: Several of his photos.
Photos of his awarded pictures

Published on 6/26/2015

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