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Prominent Poles

Sw. Jan Kanty (Saint John of Kanty aka Saint John of Kenti aka Saint John Cantius) Patron of Poland, canonized in 1767, Professor of Theology, physicist

Portrait of Sw. Jan Kanty

Born:  23 June, 1390, Kety, Poland

Died: 24 December, 1473, Cracow, Poland

John of Kanty’s motto. Conturbare cave: non est placare suave, Infamare cave; nam revocare grave. (Guard against causing trouble and slandering others, for it is difficult to right the evil done.)

Early days. Parents: Stanisław and Anna Kanty- pious country people. In 1413 his parents enrolled him in the Cracow Academy, where he eventually graduated as a bachelor, master of arts, and doctor. He was also ordained a priest.

Adult life. During 1421-1428 he ran a school in a monastery in Miechow. In 1429 he began to teach at the Cracow Academy. Falsely accused and ousted by university rivals, at age 41 he was assigned as parish priest at Olkusz. He took his position seriously, and was terrified of the responsibility, but did his best. For a long time that wasn’t enough for his parishioners, but in the end he won their hearts. After several years in his parish, he returned to Cracow Academy and taught Sacrae Scripturae (Sacred Scriptures), the rest of his life. In physics, he helped develop Jean Buridan's theory of "impetus," which anticipated the work of Galileo and Newton. John of Kanty was a serious, humble man, generous to a fault with the poor, sleeping little, eating no meat and little of anything else. He made four pilgrimages to Rome (on foot), and one to Jerusalem—the latter with the intent of being martyred by the Turks. When warned to look after his health, he pointed out that the early desert fathers lived long lives in conditions that had nothing to recommend them but the presence of God. Throughout his life, various miracles were attributed to him. In 1676 he was beatified by Pope Clement X. He was declared patron of Poland and Lithuania in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. In 1767 he was canonized by Pope Clement XIII. The Roman Breviary distinguishes him with three hymns; he is the only confessor not a bishop who is thus honored. At the time of his death, John was so well loved that his veneration began immediately. For years his doctoral gown was worn by graduates receiving advanced degrees at the University of Cracow. He is buried at St. Anna's church in Cracow. St. John Cantius' Feast Day is December 23.

Main source:This article uses, among others, material from the Wikipedia article "John Cantius" licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. :

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Catholic Encyclopedia
Catholic Forum- Saint Index Page

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