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USS Iliad - Shuttles

The Iliad has a full complement of shuttle craft. There are 10 standard personnel shuttles (01 to 10), 10 cargo shuttles (11-20) and a further 6 special purpose craft (21-26).

As one might imagine, all shuttles on USS Iliad are named after characters referred on in Homer's Iliad. To continue the classical feel, the shuttle craft are named after characters associated with the Gods, the cargo shuttles after Greeks and the other craft after Trojans.

Shuttle Crafts - Personnel

Name Significance Designation
Artemis [Diana] Daughter of Zeus and Leto Shuttlecraft 01
Hephaestus Son of Zeus and Hera Shuttlecraft 02
Hera [Juno] Daughter of Cronus and wife of Zeus; queen of the Gods Shuttlecraft 03
Hermes [Mercury] Son of Zeus Shuttlecraft 04
Iris Messenger of the gods. Shuttlecraft 05
Paeeon Physician to the gods Shuttlecraft 06
Poseidon [Neptune] Son of Cronus; king of the sea Shuttlecraft 07
Thetis A sea nymph, wedded to a mortal, Peleus; mother of Achilles Shuttlecraft 08
Zeus Son of Cronus [Saturn]; king of the gods and ruler of the sky; arbiter of human destiny Shuttlecraft 09
Xanthus God of the river Scamander Shuttlecraft 10

Shuttle Crafts - cargo

Name Significance Designation
Achilles Temperamental Greek soldier, the son of Peleus and a sea nymph named Thetis Shuttlecraft 11
Agamemnon Commander-in-chief of the Greek armies Shuttlecraft 12
Odysseus King of Ithaca and brilliant strategist Shuttlecraft 13
Ajax Hulking giant, second only to Achilles in battlefield prowess Shuttlecraft 14
Phoenix One of the Myrmidons led by Achilles, who urges Achilles to re-enter battle Shuttlecraft 15
Diomedes Provides 80 ships to the Fleet Shuttlecraft 16
Patroclus, son of Menoetius, was Achilles' best friend Shuttlecraft 17
Chryseis Captive of Agamemnon Shuttlecraft 18
Nestor Wise old king who advises Agamemnon Shuttlecraft 19
Calchas Soothsayer who explains an important event Shuttlecraft 20

Shuttle Crafts - misc

Name Significance Designation
Paris Temperamental Greek soldier, the son of Peleus and a sea nymph named Thetis Shuttlecraft 21
Hector Commander-in-chief of the Greek armies Shuttlecraft 22
Priam King of the Trojans Shuttlecraft 23
Ajax Hulking giant, second only to Achilles in battlefield prowess Shuttlecraft 24
Cassandra Sister of Paris Shuttlecraft 25
Aeneas Cousin of Hector, and his principal lieutenant Shuttlecraft 26