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Snap walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough for Pokemon Snap! This lists where, what level, and some techniques for taking pics of pokemon in Snap.

Name: Bulbasaur
Found on levels: 4,5
Area and techniques: On the River level (4), you will see Bulbasaurs in stumps and a log on the ground. Lure the one under the log w/ apples, and knock the other 2 out with Pester Balls. It's easier to geta a good pic with 1 Bulbasaur, but you can try for all 3! There are also some on the Cave level, u can get great but ugly pics for the report but dont use Pester Balls or they will be Dittos!

Name: Charmander
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: There is a Charmander by a Magmar, leave it, if you want a great shot keep going, you will see the moltres egg, don hit it. It will stop you once you come to it look to your left, there are 2 Charmanders. Give 'em each an apple and... what? Wow! look at all the Charmanders how cute! Each of the Charmanders call for their buddies, and there will be 6 Charmanders! Now get them all in a picand you will at least get 6000 points total!

Name: Charmeleon
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: There are 2 Charmaleons in level 3, 1 u have to give an apple to Magmar and Charmander but dont get it. Go way down the level and you'll see a Charmeleon circling a pool. Wait until he gets closer but dont hit him or else its Charizard time!

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Name: Charizard
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: Just hit the Charmeleon at the end of level 3 in the lava pool to get him! Hit him w/ a pester ball when he's Charizard, and he'll use Flamethrower for a special bonus!

Name: Squirtle
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: There are some shells bobbing up and down at the begginging of level 6, hit them out w/ pester balls on to the beach, once they're out, snap away, oh and forget the other Squirtles, they are too far away!

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Name: Metapod
Found on levels: 4
Area and techniques: Easy, hit them with Pester Balls on the River and snap away! Too easy!

Name: Butterfree
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: They are all over level 1! Just snap them when they come into view!!!

Name: Kakuna
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: In the cave whenever an Electrode explodes Kakunas come down, hit an Electrode w/ an apple and snap those Kakunas!

Name: Pidgey
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: Like Butterfree, Pidgeys fly all over level 1, but its hard for a nice pic, try at the end of the level when they use gust on Meowth for nice bonus!

Name: Pikachu
Found on levels: 1,2,4,5
Area and techniques: He's everywhere! He's not hard to find! But the best one is on the last level, hit the Zubat carrying Pikachu and he'll fly down, then wake up Articuno w/the flute and look back at them Pikahcu will ride Articuno!

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Name: Sandshrew
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: Hit the Geodudes w/ Pester Balls to the right of the level and Sandshrews will pop out.

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Name: Sandslash
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: For a good pic of him, hit the Geodudes w/ Pester Balls by the Graveler down and he'll pop out!

Name: Vulpix
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: The easiest way to get a good pic, is to wait for the 2 Vulpix later and give them an apple to eat. Then snap 'em!

Name: Jigglypuff
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: Hit the Koffings that are chasing them and at the end of the level they'll sing the Jigglypuff song! Just remember to put ear plugs in your ears or.. you'll.. feel.......ti....r...e...d..ZzzzzZzzzz

Name: Zubat
Found on levels: 2,5
Area and techniques: On level 2, snap the Zubats that come from the doors. On level 5 snap all the Zubats you see and formation of Zubats at the end of the level!

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Name: Vileplume
Found on levels: 4
Area and techniques: On level 4, just look to the right of the first Slowpoke and play the Pokeflute, Vileplume will come up and do a dance, each song has a different dance!

Name: Diglett
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: Diglett is very easy to snap, just to the left of the 2 Electabuzzes there he is.

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Name: Dugtrio
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: Keep taking pictures of Diglett and he'll bring out Dugtrios!

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Name: Psyduck
Found on levels: 4
Area and techniques: Psyduck is all over the level, just get camera ready and some pester balls!

Name: Meowth
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: You wont miss Meowth on level 1. Once you see him hit him with some Pester Balls and he'll fall down, then play the Pokéflute and he'll dance up close!

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Name: Mankey
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: For the best pic of Mankey, wait until the end of the level where there is a Squirtle in its shell, aim it right at Mankey and hit the shell at a Pester Ball, then wait until Mankey comes into view and snap away!

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Name: Growlithe
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: There are some craters at the end of level 3, throw Pester Balls into them, and either a Growlithe or a Arcanine will pop out, tehre are 3 craters so keep throwing!

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Name: Arcanine
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: There are some craters at the end of level 3, throw Pester Balls into them, and either a Growlithe or a Arcanine will pop out, tehre are 3 craters so keep throwing!

Name: Poliwag
Found on levels: 4
Area and techniques: There are some Poliwgs at the start of the level, but wait downstream and throw Pster Ballsn into the water and they'll pop out!

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Name: Weepinbell
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: You'll find Weepinbell circling a water pool, wait until it's up close and take a picture of him!

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Name: Victreebel
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: Hit the Weepinbell into the water, and he'll evolve into victreebel!
Name: Geodude
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: Geodudes are climing the walls, hit them down with Pester Balls, and click away!

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Name: Graveler
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: Once you come across 3 Gravelers, play the Pokéflue and watch them dance, now take pictures

Name: Rapidash
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: When the first Rapidashs runs at you, throw an Pokémon food at it and take a picture!

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Name: Slowpoke
Foound on levels: 4
Area and techniques: Slowpoke is so dopey, just come right up to him and take a picture!

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Name: Slowbro
Found on levels: 4
Area and techniques: Lead Slowpoke over to a circle with Pokémon food, and he'll evolve!

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Name: Magnemite
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: Throw food at the Magnemites and then take pictures, or else they are not clear!

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Name: Magneton
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: Group all the Magnemites together with apples and they'll transform into Magneton!

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Name: Doduo
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: Doduo runs asll over the place on level 1, hit him w/ a Pester Ball, and take some pictures for best points!

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Name: Grimer
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: Grimer is at the start of the level, keep snapping all the Grimers you see and one should be close!

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Name: Muk
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: Snap the Grimers at the beggining of the level and you'll see some Grimers on some other ledges throw 4 Pester Balls at each and every one you threw 4 at, will become Muk!

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Name: Shellder
Found on levels: 4
Area and techniques: Shellder pops up along the river, so get your camera ready!

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Name: Cloyster
Foudn on levels: 4
Area and techniques: To get Cloyster, take a lot of pictures of Shellders, and towards the end of the leve, Cloysters will pop out, the mor Shellder pics taken, the more Cloysters will pop out!

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Name: Haunter
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: You will see a little ball flying around in the level, take some picture sof it and it will develope as Haunter!

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Name: Electrode
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: You'll see electrode rolling around the level so hit them with Pester Balls, and watch them explode, and snap!

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Name: Koffing
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: You'll see Koffing chasing Jigglypuff around the level, wait and get up close for a nice pic!

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Name: Chansey
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: When Chansey is rolling around the rocks hit her with an apple, and she'll pop out!

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Name: Kangaskhan
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: Throw something at Kangaskhan and he'll turn around, then start taking pictures!

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Name: Goldeen
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: Throw Pester Balls into the water and hopefully a Goldeen will pop out!

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Name: Scyther
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: Scythers are in the grassy areas where there are leaves moving about, throw Pester Balls in there to get them out!

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Name: Staryu
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: You can find Staryu flying around after the Gravelers, so snap 'em!

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Name: Starmie
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: Take some pics of Staryu and it will follow you to a wirlpool, it will dive in a come out as a Starmie!

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Name: Jynx
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: When you come across the Jynxs play the Pokéflute and then take your pictures!

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Name: Electabuzz
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: Electabuzz is running aroudn the level, try hitting him with a Pester Ball to slow him down.

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Name: Magmar
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: When you see two Magmars, throw an apple between them and take a pic of them fighting!

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Name: Magikarp
Found on levels: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Area and techniques: Magikarp is very common in this game, just throw Pester Balls into water areas and it should pop out!

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Name: Gyarados
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: To get Gyarados, at the start of level 6, look for a Magikarp junping out of the water, hit it with a Pester Ball, and Mankey will launch it, then when you come to the 3 Gravelers, hit it again with a Pester Ball, it will go into a waterfall and then gyarados will come out!

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Name: Lapras
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: Lapras is swimming in the water of level 1, keep snapping it, and you'll adventualy get a nice shot...

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Name: Ditto
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: When you see Bulbasaurs in level 5, hit them with Pester Balls and they'll change into Dittos!

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Name: Eevee
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: Eevee is chasing Chansey, so snap it fast!

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Name: Porygon
Found on levels: 4
Area and techniques: When you see little things sticking out of the grass hit them with a Pester Ball and out will come a Porygon!

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Name: Snorlax
Found on levels: 1
Area and techniques: For the best shot, hit Snorlax with a Pester Ball, and you'll get a nice pose bonus!

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Name: Articuno
Found on levels: 5
Area and techniques: When you see a egg with Jynxs y it play the Pokéflute and it will hatch!

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Name: Zapdos
Found on levels: 2
Area and techniques: When you see a egg by Pikachu, lead Pikachu to it with food, and play the Pokéflute and Pikachu will open the Zapdos egg!

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Name: Moltres
Found on levels: 3
Area and techniques: When you see a egg in the path hit it with a item, and out will come Moltres!

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Name: Dratini
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: Throw Pester Balls into the water and a Dratini might pop out!

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Name: Dragonite
Found on levels: 6
Area and techniques: When you see a whirlpool, chuck 4 Pester Balls into it and out comes Dragonite!

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Name: Mew
Found on levels: 7
Area and techniques: This is a complicated procedure. First use an item to break Mews shield, once thats done, you should see it chasing its shield, then hit it with Pester Balls, until it gets REEEEEEL close, then snap a lot of pics FAST! That should get you a score of at least 9000!