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My Pokemon Snap Review

Pokemon Snap
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: HAL Laboratories
Genre: Simulation
Origin Japan
Number of players: 1
Memory Pak: Yes
Rumble Pak: Yes
Release: July 27, 1999
Rey's Rating 9.25

Everybody thought that taking pictures of Pokemon, would be more boring than counting to 100. But Nintendo had great plans for this game! All of the Pokemon are not polygons, but 3-D models. All of the Pokemon have speech effects from the Pokemon TV shows. You can save your favorite pictures and run down to blockbuster video, and print them for $3. The 2 main downsides are: 1: Not all of the Pokemon are in the game, the Japanese get all 150 and more courses :( 2: The Game is very short, but you can keep getting better pictures everytime! Both of these problems can be fixed by the explansion pak! Have the expansion pak(s) have new Pokemon and new levels! If anybody from Nintendo of America is readign this, take this into consideration! But overall, it is a great game for anybody! Dont try renting it though, it will be nearly impossibel to rent it! So go get a copy!!!