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The Elite Four!

The Elite Four:

Loreli is the master of water and pokemon. Loreli is the easiest of the Elite Four to . Use electric or grass pokemon and you'll beat her in no time! You've had lots of practice against these types of pokemon, so you know what to do.

  • This is Loreli's Line-Up: L:54 Dewgong L:53 Cloyster L:54 Slowbro L:56 Jynx L:56 Lapras

    Bruno is the master of fighting and rock pokemon. Bruno may sound tough, but don't be afraid, you can kick his *** anyday! Use ice, water, grass, psychic, or ghost pokemon against him and you should make quick work of him. Articuno is the best for the job here.

  • Here is Bruno's Line-up: L:53 Onix L:55 Hitmonchan L:55 Hitmonlee L:56 Onix L:58 Machamp

    Agatha is the master of poison and ghost pokemon. Ghost pokemon are very tough,especially high level ones, that Agatha has taught! Agatha also likes to cast Confuse Ray and Nightshade. Counter as best you can by using psychic or ghost pokemon.

  • Heres Agatha's Line-up: L:56 Gengar L:56 Golbat L:55 Haunter L:58 Arbock L:60 Gengar

    Lance is the master of dragon pokemon. Dragons are very rare pokemon, and very powerful at that. Don't be alarmed, they can be taken out. Pokemon with ice attacks or dragon attacks are useful against dragons. Articuno is the one for the job here too.

  • Lances Line-up:L:58 Gyarados L:56 Dragonair L:56 Dragonair L:60 Aerodactyl L:62 Dragonite

    Gary!!!! Unlike past enemies and bosses with only a few varieties of pokemon, your Rival has multiple types of pokemon in his Line-up to take care of a multitude of other pokemon. Having your lineup consist of an ice, grass, psychic, water, and ghost pokemon of L:45 or above, and you should easily dispatch Gary.

  • Gary's Line-up: L:61 Pidgeott L:59 Alakazam L:61 Rhydon [the last one he has depends on which pokemon you chose at the beginning of the game...]

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