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sanhedrin is a roleplay guild on the
erollisi marr server of everquest™
welcome | news | charter | structure | inhabitants | community | forum rules | links

This is the charter that was submitted at the beginning of the guild.

Sanhedrin exists as a forum for those who wish to roleplay within the EverQuest asmosphere. Vanquishing an orc, battling a dragon, debating religion, running a marathon -- every character and all activites will be respected. The primary goal of Sanhedrin is to encourage roleplay and enjoy the company of others who roleplay. Sanhedrin is a neutral-good roleplay-only guild on the Erollisi Marr server. There are three main requirements for new members:

1. You must show desire and ability to roleplay; you should remain In Character for all guild events and during interaction with other Sanhedrin members.
2. You must play a good or neutral-good aligned character; Necromancers, Shadowknights, and other evil characters will not be accepted.
3. Your first character within the guild must be level 10 or above.

Sanhedrin will support all activites available to the EverQuest player, but the primary focus will always be on roleplay. Sanhedrin is the name of the fictional town inhabited by the guild members IC. The word "Sanhedrin" comes from the Hebrew language and means "a great council" or "sitting together."