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Football MySpace Comments
written in Navajo
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MySpace Comments!
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Holiday MySpace

Click here for "cut & paste" MySpace Holiday cards, with phrases in Navajo for "Happy Thanksgiving," "Merry Christmas," or "Happy New Year!"

This page has copy & paste Football-related e-cards, with the phrasing translated into the Navajo language. Codes provided work for comment bars of MySpace account users. These codes will work for Xanga, Hi5, Piczo, & Friendster as well.

  • Note, these terms did not exist traditionally. It is only within the last 50 years that American/International holidays were adopted by the Navajos. The below terms are not consistently said across the Navajo reservation.

  • Different areas of the Navajo reservation have different ways of saying different things. The below phrases give suggestions to common holiday greetings!

Currently, this page is under construction! Click on the to hear the phrase in Navajo. Hope these are enjoyable!


  • If you see the image to the right, this means that my pictures will be temporarily disabled for a month. I'm only allowed a certain amounts of downloads from the PhotoBucket server a month. I can pay to have my bandwidth increased to accomodate, but I like free. So, if you see the pic to the right, the image will be disabled for a month from the date I exceeded my bandwidth. Sorry about that. A million apologies!

English Phrase: They Lost!
Navajo Phrase: Yaa Honeesná!

Right Click / Copy

English Phrase: They won!
Navajo Phrase: Dah Honeesná!

Right Click / Copy

Right Click / Copy

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4