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The Lagoon

Take the stairs, follow the left path through the tree, and head back uphill to the stumps. Head across the bridge, down the stairs, and when you hit a junction, keep heading down. Go slowly. Shhh... you're hunting wabbits. As soon as you see movement, stop dead in your tracks.

If you move down the stairs too fast, you’ll miss an important clue: The beasts make the same sound you heard the eyeball in the forest make. Be sure to make a note that the flippered-beasts (called "sunners") and the "upside-down L" on the eyeball in the forest are connected somehow.

Snoop around the lagoon until you find another eyeball on the rocks the sunners were sunning on. It makes a creepy “roaring” sound, and has an "H"-like symbol on it. Make a note of that, and then head back to the path and make a left. You will find another path that heads up into the rocks and then pops out onto another wooden path. At the end of the wooden path, you'll find a ladder. (Nice view, huh?) Take the ladder down, and you'll find an empty basin with an eyeball in it. Touch the eyeball, and see a "D"-like character, and hear a buzzing sound. Remember that sound? Now, turn the valve on the basin and fill it with water. What does the water look like to you when it fills the basin? See an animal or insect there?

Head left, down a ladder, along a wooden path, through a doorway, and you will find a metal ladder that leads to... SURPRISE! The metal machine you lowered from the cliff, which is apparently a submarine! Climb on in!

Hop in the submarine and check out your controls. You’ve got a lever in the middle, a lever below it that goes left and right, and a lever on the right. Start by pulling the top lever, which turns the sub around. Then, pull the lever on the right, which sends the sub forward to an underwater junction. Pull the right-hand lever again to head forward to a stop. Get out of the sub, and head up a ladder. You will find yourself on a platform that sports another ladder leading up the rock face. You’ll enter a room at the top that has a bunch of levers on the wall. Aargh! More levers!

Before dealing with the levers, take a peek out the window behind you. Nice view of the lagoon. If you look closely, you’ll see docks at each of the five submarine stops, and most of them are retracted. Fortunately, you happen to be in the sub-dock control room, so why not pull a few levers? Head to the levers, and pull numbers 1,2,3, and 5. Look back out the window, and note that the sub-docks have extended.

Head back down the ladder, and enter the sub. Use the top lever to turn the sub around, and then pull the right lever to head forward to the junction. Pull the lower lever LEFT, which sets the direction you will head at this junction. Then, pull the right lever to head forward to another stop.

You’re at a schoolhouse. Enter, and have a seat. Or just check out the goodies around the room. There’s a movie-player that plays a clip of Gehn for the kiddies. You don’t speak the language? That’s OK… just spend a few years studying the Rivenese alphabet arranged around the top of the room. There’s also a gruesome little game on one table… kind of the Rivenese version of “Hangman”. Play with it and watch the little wooden natives get eaten by the little wooden tusked-fish. There’s probably a point to this game, beyond the fact that it appears that someone one this island’s a tiny bit obsessed with people getting eaten by big nasty fish. Recognize any of those symbols that appear when you pull the little string?

Head back out to the sub and get in. Turn the sub around with the top lever. Pull the right lever to move forward to the junction. Pull the left lever to move forward again, and get out of the sub at… THE GALLOWS!

[Beginning] [Golden Dome] [The Forest] [The Village] [Boiler Island] [Lagoon] [Rebel Age] [Survay Island] [Fire Marbles] [Endgame]
