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Witchy's Notes

1.  Segregation and racism are components of the genetic mind.


2.  Fear God and God is rageful is a component of the genetic mind.


3.  Lyricus members may be the Dhyani-Chohans . Wingmakers maybe a branch of the central race Avalokiteswara


4.  The "bridge" mentioned in Lyricus Discourse 4 is the fohat. The Fohat in its various manifestations, is the mysterious link between Mind and Matter, the animating principle electrifying every atom into life.


5.  The wholeness navigator may be called the Monad


6.  Individuated Entity Consciousness may be called the Buddhi


7. Sovereign Integral may be called Dhyani-Buddha


8.  Svabhavat may be another term for Source Intelligence.


7.  Tributary Zone Translation Wingmakers

1. Human Genome Tributary Zone
2. Cultural Evolution Tributary Zone
3. NeoScience Tributary Zone
4. Metaphysical Tributary Zone
5. Psycho -Coherence T-Zone
6. Sensory Data Stream T-Zone
7. Sovereign Integral T-Zone


1. Physical Matter
2. Cosmological/Astral Level
3. Mental
4. Intuition
5. Mystical
6. Cymantics
7. Celestial

10. Source Intelligence may be called Mahat


11. The glyphs in Chamber 9 painting talk about an evacuation plan by the Wingmakers to migrate the genetic library on earth via "ships" - similar to a Noah's Ark but without the flooding....and more people, imo.

12. There are multiple plans by different factions of the central race hierarchy to handle the animus situation. May or may not be part of the animus invasion - When the time comes .... virtually all plans will be executed by the hierarchy...some will vanish...some will not.... some of the central race will deal directly with the animus.



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