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Chamber 22

Glyph Meaning
Ancient symbol for "Potential Power" or "Potential Movement"
Ancient Chinese and Hopi Indian symbol for "home coming"
Compound glyph meaning ESP is elements or substances fundamental to society's or the individual's livelihood. You must be receptive.
Chamber 22 Poetry  In the Kindness of Sleep & Warm Presence
Chamber 22 Philosophy  Portion of Chamber 22 writings
Chromosome 22 Function  22nd Chromosome
Analysis Chromosome 22 problems are centered around blood, the bloods transportation of nutrients and schizophrenia.

In addition, chamber poetry "Warm Presence" is filled with rememarks concerning emotional welleness.
Warm presences makes several remarks of "sorrow" and "phantoms." Reading the poem free's the body of the energy needed to contain those feels.
"My Central Message" from Chamber 22 philosophy makes reference to "enjoy endless bliss" and "nirvana." The message contained in "My Central Message" indicates that there is more to our existence than joy. However, in order to leap beyond bliss and joy, one must overcome the grief and depression.

Chamber 4 philosophy states that the poem in this chamber stirs emotions. "Warm Presence" strikes an emotional chord of subtle discord. It is discordance that stirs the emotional responses, making them accessible to the higher energies of the human instrument.

Chromosome 22 is responbile for the production of adenylosuccinate lyase a factor in Autism.In addition, Membrane protein MLC1 which plays a part in catatonic schizophrenia


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