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Chamber 6

Image of a deceased female who's soul is departing the mortal vessel.  She is in a flexed position with her body wrapped in what appears to be a rope or string.
Glyph Meaning
First Source.  Buddhist paint concentric circles yellow to signify "holy."
))) seen at the top of this glyph indicates "movement outwards."
Compound glyph...

"Receptivity to the spiritual world and matter...air transportation...ending phases of orbital movement"

-| |- symbol in the glyph means "disengagement within a path"
Compound glyphs with two possible meanings:
"Merging and bringing together to the earth"
"merging and bringing together to a powerful and active force"
The three life principles (equality, nurturance and gratitude)
Origins of the mask.  Click here.
Glyph means "Potential Power" or "Potential Movement"
From information gathered about the Maidu Indians.  It was customary to wrap a rope around the deceased made out of animal skin.  Click Here for more detail.


Chamber 6 Poetry   Of this Place and Imperishable
Chamber 6 Philosophy  Portion of Chamber 6 philosophy
Chromosome 6 Function  6th Chromosome
Analysis Chamber 4 philosophy states that the poem in this chamber stirs emotions. "Of this place" strikes an emotional chord of subtle discord. It is discordance that stirs the emotional responses, making them accessible to the higher energies of the human instrument.

Chromosome 6 is responsible for the production of death-associated protein 6. This protien is responsible for the death of a cell. It is believe that stress plays a factor apoptosis. Studies have provided an illustration of how stress leads to the production of DAXX and leads to cell death.

Poetry in chamber 6 "Imperishable" clearly refers to death. It even goes as far as to state "..My wounded cells" and "I can feel them wail in their miniature worlds".


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