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Mac Software
Mac Software With The iPod
Windows Software For Mac Downloads/Updates For Mac


Windows Software For Mac
There are quite a few windows programs availiable for Mac. Some titles you may be familiar with are Microsoft Office, The Adobe Series (Photoshop, Image Ready, Elements etc.) and many popular games, including 'The Sims,' 'Warcraft 3,' and 'Diablo 2.' These are all available for Mac, but in the rare case that the application or file you need is only for windows...there is an answer! Just purchase a copy of 'Connectix Virtual PC,' and a copy of the Windows operating system, and you'll have Windows running on your Mac! This versatility is very useful, and the myths about Macs not being able to work with PC's are false!
Some downloads are better in mac format even though they are similar to PC Versions. The first example is a Lord of the Rings wallpaper. I was given the option to download the PC version or the Mac version. The PC version was 1.3 MB wheras the Mac version was 0.6 MB.
The Microsoft Office designed for Mac is widely acclaimed to be better than the Windows version, and easier to use. It features a neater interface, and has more options and effects etc. Also, the dock icons look really cool. Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint are commonly used programs, and these improvements are very welcome.
©2002 James L E-mail Me & Andrew G E-mail Me • All Images © 2003 Apple Computer Inc.