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Mac Software
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Downloads/Updates For Mac

A great advantage about Mac Software, is that you can download the latest versions and updates of all high quality Mac Software for free. As is typical of a Mac, versions of programs such as iTunes, iMovie, and iPhoto can be updated simply by opening 'Software Update,' in the System Preferences, located in the dock. After searching for new Mac software, it will come up with a list of updates and/or versions that you do not have. Choose the ones you want, and click 'install.' This will download the software, and install everything where it needs to go, and optimises the performance for your computer. This leaves you to sit back and relax, while the computer does it all for you. Software Update can be set for routine daily checks, so you dont forget.

If you have a Mac, and can't use software update, or need Mac software that is not available on software update, please click on the link below to go to Apple's download page.
Apple Download Page

©2002 James L E-mail Me & Andrew G E-mail Me • All Images © 2003 Apple Computer Inc.