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Mac Software With The iPod

The iPod, the new Mac MP3 player and personal organizer is used very well with the new Mac programs iSync, iTunes, iCal and Address Book. The iPod also functions as an external hard drive, so you can carry around a massive amount of data files, as well as your music.
iSync is a program that transfers all information such as names, email addresses and any other information stored on address book. iSync also transfers any information on iCal so that it can be seen on the iPod. This means that your contact's personal information and your calender events are available to look at anywhere you go. iSync also synchronises time, date etc., so it is correct all the time. All this can be done while updating music.
iTunes is used to transfer songs onto the iPod via the firewire cable (supplied with iPod). You simply plug the cable in, and the computer automatically opens iTunes, transfers the songs, updates any changes to the library (from when you plugged it in last time), and synchronises time...without any effort whatsoever!
iCal and Address Book information can be displayed on the iPod by using iSync to update settings...remember...all this software is FREE!

©2002 James L E-mail Me & Andrew G E-mail Me • All Images © 2003 Apple Computer Inc.