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Circle of the Perfect Rose and Staff Knightings & Ceremonies

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Falco's Knighting

Moonsword's Knighting

Ridic & Estaish's Knighting

Noorwoodreturn's Knighting

Kelci's Knighting

Shannalee & Sirmarcus's Knighting

TheLady's Knighting

FullMetal's Knighting

Lady Dame Topsanna's Knighting

LadySwans and N0RWolverine, Knightings

Edrick's Knighting Ceremony

Oriana's Knighting

Decado's Knighting

Kamaria's and TpyoQuene's Knighting.

Ordaining Ceremony of Priest's, Priestess's

Sir Zinon's Knighting Ceremony

Shakur, Iorek, SouthernThunder, Jollytime's Knightings

Cixelsyd's Knighting Ceremony

Lady Mikki's Knighting


Moonsword & Berry's Wedding

Guests at Moon's & Berry's Wedding

BigE & Sweetykin's Wedding

AubadeLee and ShannaLee's Wedding.

the Angelfire Gallery of Fine Art (eat your heart out Ansel Adams)

Storyline Sightings

Click on the thumbnails of each picture to see a larger screenshot.

Lights Temple Visit

Light visits Enid's Temple

Bishop Alexander's Temple Visit

ZuZu's visit to Despothes Temple.

Light's Vigil

Herald Instructs the Followers

Light is Freed!

Light Flys Away

Light Uncovers a Strange Sword

Tribute to Light

Light & BishopAlexander

A hunt with Herald through Tulor's

Lady Ansuz speaks to all faiths.

Light visits Despothes Temple.

Light joins Herald in a visit to the followers of Balance.

Circle Hunts

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Queen's Lair in Greater Hives

Moonsword's & MihpMaaah's Ceremonial Hunt

Test of Souls

ShannaLee's lightning experience.

Lady in Waiting, Berry's guild hunt.

Sirmarcus, Falco & Zinon on a Circle Hunt.

Carnivals Days

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GMCarnyBenny enjoying Carnival antics with townsfolk.

Where's Benny??!!

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