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My Trip to Monster Island

What is Roleplay?
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Once upon a time; that phrase lingers in many of us with memories of childhood. Roleplaying is similar in its splendored fantasy, taking us to worlds and realms far beyond our wildest imagination.

Its as you, the character creates and scribes your very own novel. Developing your characters persona, charm and speech. Whether you are saintly or deepest evil, how you portray your character to others is the basis of roleplay. Whichever technique you experiment with, anyone can roleplay well with practice. An important part of the development is interaction with other NPCS (player characters), from formal greetings to sharing an ale in a busy tavern.

Other NPCS view your character upon sight first. Its always best to add a flair of your own style in appropiate dress and color. Describe your charcter in the bio screen, not in 2nd character, but actually what someone would see looking directly at you.

Roleplay has always walked hand in hand with hack-n-slash type rpgs. There are those who prefer to stay out of the limelight and smite, smite, smite. While others enjoy the interaction and the following of a storyline to perfect their characters roles in the game. Which ever you prefer, don't count out the chance to give roleplaying a try, at least, to your advantage, keeping up with the storyline could be very beneficial to you in the long run.

Happy Realming!

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