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Guild Orders

Circle of the Perfect Rose and Staff Orders

ORDERS, except those formed from within the CPRS , are guilds who have chosen to join into an alliance of a higher degree. The Orders have an ongoing working relationship with the parent guild of CPRS.

Orders, unlike alliances, have staff representation seated on the Circle Chamber formed by the CPRS and do have a say, by majority vote, as to the overall direction the guild as a whole will take.

Each Order, however, does maintain its individual identity, retains is own codes, rules, and methods of operation as it involves them in daily overall actions.

Orders within the Circle shall be listed on the webpage
under the Orders link with one page explaining history, info, etc and a link to their own homepage off that page. We offer this as an additional benefit to each Order.

CPRS and all Orders should involve themselves in training together, hunting operations, social events ect. to form a closer, tighter bond of friendship and allies.

The Circle Chamber is the unification of represenatives from various Orders from within the Circle. As such, we as a guild do not control the other guilds in Orders with us. Neither do they answer to us. The Orders and Circle Chamber have been formed to assist, teach, learn and exchange from one another. Information such as, combined guild hunts, events, updates on the storyline, etc. The Circle does maintain is own guidelines or conduct and policy. However, each guild order controls its own guidelines, conduct and policies. It's our hope this venture can become mutually rewarding to all those invovled.

Guild Orders
||| RealmKnights ||| Order of the Shadow |||

Circle Orders
Order of St. Michael & St. Drausinus ||| Order of St. Patrick |||
||| Order of The Mystic Rose ||| The Order of Societas Electa |||
||| The Order of the Rangers |||

||| Home ||| BattleGuideLines ||| Code of Conduct ||| Circle Chamber ||| Guild Colors ||| Guild Council ||| Guild Members ||| History & Lore ||| Lyrical Jesters|||
||| Member Application ||| Order Application ||| Roleplay Info ||| Screenshots||
||| Storyline |||

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