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                 Women Retaliating Against Tacoma-Holics  







WRATH message board




12-Step Program
WRATH's Tacomaholism 12-Step Program
STEP 1: Admitting they have a problem

STEP 2: Slowly backing away from the truck!

STEP 3: Spending more time with the family than with the truck

STEP 4: Apologizing to all they've hurt through their addiction

STEP 5: Going one whole day without talking about the truck

STEP 6: Driving around and not mentioning that Tacomas are the best trucks on earth

STEP 7: Being able to chat on delphi without needing to go out and do whatever modification they read about

STEP 8: Spending money on the family that they would normally have spent on the truck

STEP 9: Allowing their significant other to drive, wash, touch the truck without flinching

STEP 10: Remembering what life was like before the Tacoma

STEP 11: Agreeing with the members of WRATH!

STEP 12: CELEBRATE!! You have successfully completed our twelve step program


Thanks Joanna!

                        You Just have to live with a Tacoma-holic to understand!