Thick With Conviction - A Poetry Journal
thick with conviction a poetry journal

Joshua Cristiano

Irrational Requests

the fact I lie (to
myself) leg
against your leg,
warm whistle vs. the backside
of my neck,
even after
you dry-eyed admitted
new absence
of old love (new loves
& new friends)
proves nothing

save immaturity, save
infinite defeat.

(my sharp ribs
tear long)
struggle & indifference:
I cross arms, cross
streets & pray cars,
cross-reference old pain
& comparable bereavement
pales along midnight.

still, your coldsweat
warms hearts & I
lie backwards. thoughts
tied like hands to headboards:
say you've fallen
out & back
(say again), say callous words
sleeplong & never shed
your reptilian skin.

Wound On

We climbed the walls
Like the grooves in my memory.

Gates sparkled a crimson breath
And we were over.

A weave of grass ran beneath our feet
Like the complete calendar's crosses

And we began to sink into the scalp
Of swollen hills.

Past statues,
The path wound further into soil:

Ankle deep in dinner invitations
Like the first time

My nervous stomach
Couldn't drag its eyes away from you.

My heart bled dirt
Around our closed-casket ribs;

I didn't need to knock,
Your newborn smile said it all.

Joshua Cristiano has been published in Spectrum and Ceremony Collected, and has won
Northeastern's poetry award in 2004. He was honored to represent his college at the Boston Poetry Festival. Although his first love is poetry, he is a painter and illustrator as well. He currently works at an art magazine in New York City where he writes gallery reviews and works in the art department.

 Current Issue:
July 2007


Annabelle Butterworth
Patricia Cook
Joshua Cristiano
Michael Estabrook
Anthony Gee
Taylor Graham
Michael Lee Johnson
Jerry Judge
Stephanie Kemp
Michael Keshigian
Stephanie Kjaerbaek
Brian Mayer
Steve Meador
Jessica Sidler
Karla Ungurean
