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"To me [my room] will always be haunted by my companions who have been there, by the books that I have read there, by the pleasure and the pain that I have felt there, and by a laughing group of bright, fresh faces, that have rendered it sunny in my eyes for ever. I have learned there what College really is. I have learned there one part of the great secret of life."
-- from "My Old Room" by Henry Brooks Adams, Class of 1858

From the 1870 Class Album. Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives. Room in 1871. Notice the gas chandelier and table lamp. Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives.

Guitar playing, late 1800s. Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives. 1898 photo of Wadsworth House, then the room of Philip Wolcott '97 (left) and H.W. Foote '97. Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives.

1905 photo of Hollis 28, then the room of Cleveland Morse '07 (and later the room of Joseph P. Kennedy '12). Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives. Radcliffe room, 1936. "Not for us those Harvard entries and suites with bathrooms and fireplaces," wrote Perdita Buchan '62. Courtesy of Radcliffe Archives.

The 1940s, complete with then high-tech hi-fi. Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives. Bunk beds and overcrowding in 1952 as the College population swelled in the aftermath of World War II. Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives.

Radcliffe in the 1960s. Courtesy of Radcliffe Archives. A 1973 precursor to the now popular loft.

Cabot F-52 in 2002, the room of then seniors (clockwise from right) Gerard Hammond, John Bingaman, Joshua Raffaelli, and Brian Clay. Photo by Stu Rosner. Student streakers during Primal Scream 2002, signaling the start of exams.

Kirkland House Talent Show, 2002. Even smaller than a study carrel, 2002.

In Leverett E-23, Katie Heller '02 is packing up for summer. Matthews 407 in 2002, Danielle Li '05 rides the giraffe. The Trojan Horse in the background is made with Trojan condoms.

Kirkland students in The Yard, welcoming first years who have just won the housing lottery for Kirkland. More Kirkland students celebrating the housing lottery.

Adams House Drag Night, 2001, a visit to Lamont Library Adams House celebrating its first ever Straus Cup victory in House intramurals.

More photos to come. If you have any photos to submit or information about the photos above (i.e. names, dates, etc), please let me know. Your contributions and feedback are encouraged:

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