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Angel Undercover - Trials and Triumphs
3 January 2004
Shopping Spree!
Christmas break is almost over and I am going to live it up one last time before getting tied down to schoolwork again! Today Thumper and I are going to the mall, then to Barnes and Noble, then I'm staying over at her house and Bill might be coming over. I have $55 and Thumper's got more - this is going to be awesome. I have plans to stay up all night making brownies and talking on the phone to boys. Right now I'm in a Robotics meeting, but I'm getting out at 11 and from there to the mall. I'm happy. Life is good. Thumper and I will hit Spencer's, Gadzooks, Victoria's Secret, and any other place that sells cute underwear! After my Christmas haul, that's about all I need! Plus I'm going to buy something for Hope, Bill's baby. She was born December 20, so I'm going to get her a Christmas present. I'm also giving Bill some Classical Child CD's so he doesn't blast Hope's ears out w/ his usual rap/hip hop music. I haven't seen the baby yet, he's supposed to bring pictures today. I'm excited - shopping w/ my best friend and maybe possibly seeing another of my best friends whom I haven't seen for a month - this is AWESOME! Anyway I don't have my poetry folder w/ me right now so I cannot leave you a poem . . . or maybe I will, one of my favorites that I wrote a long time ago . . .

Posted by poetry/angelannette at 10:09 AM EST
Updated: 3 January 2004 10:21 AM EST
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