Try these
other Sims Fanatics Community Links! Would you
like your Sims page to be a part of the SFC? Email Rougue
or Val
about the possibilities!
This collection of Sims 1
Links is happy to be a part of the Sims Fanatics Community! It’s the Sims Community built for Sims fans by Sims
fans! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
A note from the Author: Note: The
type of broken links I am referring to are those that come from a dying
website, like that of one being abandoned. A broken link due to an input
error is certainly okay and completely understandable. I do that all the
time…*smile*…accidentally! Thankfully,
a fellow Sims Fanatic often catches it and lets me know so I can fix it, ya!
I love it when that happens! Y |
Howdy! Howdy, fellow Sims Fanatics! This collection of Sims links is made possible by Sim Fanatics all over the world, who individually took the time to send me an email listing their favorite Sims sites and their respective URLs! Thank you to all the Sim Fanatics who contributed their favorite links to make this page possible! If you have a Sims Site that is fully functional, and would like to see it added to this page, please send me the title and the URL to your page, along with a note about your favorite feature on your site! I personally am a download junkie, and I would welcome new Sim Sites to explore! The only requirements I ask are as listed below: x No
Broken Links I have checked each and every link before adding it to this page, to make sure that they are functioning. However, it does happen that Sims Sites tend to fade, leaving nothing but broken links in their wake. In this case, I ask you to please help me keep this page current by reporting to me any broken links you might find…And please don’t suggest Sims Sites that are infested with them! x No Adult Content I want all of my pages to be kid friendly and have taken considerable steps to make sure that none of my choices of Sims Sites provides any kind of access to Adult content without proper restrictions set in place to keep our innocent children safe AND innocent. For this reason, I respectfully request that no one suggest any Sims pages that would belong in an adult category. If you discover that one of my links violates this self imposed rule, please notify me immediately so I can fix the problem! Even if you don’t have your own Sims page, you are still more than welcome to contribute to this page by doing what many other Sims Fanatics have done, and send me the title and URL to your favorite Sims site! If there is something you like the best about that site, don’t forget to tell me in your email! After a visit, I’ll hook it up here on the links page, then every Sims Fanatic can enjoy your favorite Sims place, too! Share the fun, I always say! Happy day, ya’all! --Val co-owner of the Sims
Fanatics Community To suggest your Sims page/Submit your favorite Sims Site/Report broken links/Report child access to Adult content, send an email to valzgr8 at yahoo dot com…please put the appropriate heading in the subject line. --Top-- --Index-- |
ghghghghghghghghghgh |
Categories Click on the category to warp to the
SFC collection of links that fit into that category. SFC
Home Pages: v
Rougue v Valzgr8 v
SFC Splash Screens Plus!
Information: v
SFC Download
Installation/Uninstallation Guide SFC
Tutorials v Making
Casuals into Buyables – by Val v Making
a Haunted Hotel on VacationIsland – by Val v Creating
a brand New Object – by Rougue v Saving Your Sims
– by Bruce/Gandalf v Dealing
With Buffers –
by Rosemary v Making
Tuck-In Beds –
by Rosemary v Using
Lot Manager – by Bruce/Gandalf v
SFC Rugs v
Sims 2 Fanatics
Community –
NEW! |
Ladies ·
Children ·
Pets ·
NPCs ·
Themed ·
Meshes ·
Home ·
Downtown ·
Vacation ·
Hacked ·
Themed ·
Home 1.
Regular 2.
Apartments ·
Downtown ·
Vacation ·
Themed ·
Skins ·
Objects ·
Skinning ·
Cloning ·
Hacking ·
Fixes ·
NoCD ·
Hacking ·
Skins ·
Objects ·
Skins ·
Objects ·
Tutorials ·
Sims Help ·
Sims Information |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Sims Skins: |
Ladies Skins
1. Specializing in mother/child look-a-likes! Fabulous!
1. Granny Skins 2. Rubenesque 3. Plus more! 1. Maternity 2. XXL 3. Skinny 4. Plus more!
1. Featuring
a wet suit for the ladies 2. Formals 3. Buyables 5. Maternity
--Top-- --Index-- |
Gentlemen Skins SFC
Home Pages: v
Rougue v Valzgr8 v
SFC Splash Screens Plus!
Information: v
SFC Download
Installation/Uninstallation Guide SFC
Tutorials v Making
Casuals into Buyables – by Val v Making
a Haunted Hotel on VacationIsland – by Val v Creating
a brand New Object – by Rougue v Saving Your Sims
– by Bruce/Gandalf v Dealing
With Buffers –
by Rosemary v Making
Tuck-In Beds –
by Rosemary v Using
Lot Manager – by Bruce/Gandalf v
SFC Rugs v
Sims 2 Fanatics
Community –
NEW! |
1. Buyables 1. Featuring designer Wear High Fashion
--Top-- --Index-- |
Children Skins
Heads ·
Girls 1. 001 Sims 2. All Skins 3. Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!) 4. Blue Sims 5. Built to Sim 6. Comhair Sims 8. Grim Sims 9. Jack Wolfsim 10. Patina 11. Sims Addiction 12. Skins by JillD a.
Specializing in mother/child look-a-likes! Fabulous! 13. The Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now
free! ·
Boys 1. 001 Sims 3. All Skins 4. Around the Sims
Friendly!) 5. Blue Sims 6. Comhair Sims 8. Grim Sims 9. Jack Wolfsim 10. Patina 11. Sims Addiction 12. Skins by JillD a.
Specializing in mother/child look-a-likes! Fabulous! 13. The Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now
free! Fashion ·
Girls 1. 001 Sims 3. Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!) 4. All Skins 5. Blue Sims 6. Built to Sim 7. Comhair Sims 9. Grim Sims 10. Jack Wolfsim 11. Madoria's World 12. Parsimonious 13. Patina 14. Sims Addiction 15. SimsSkins –This is a pay site, with few Free
content in this category… 16. Skins by JillD 17. skins
by adrugagainstwar - FSF ·
Formals 18. The Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now
free! ·
Boys 1. 001 Sims 2. Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!) 3. All Skins 4. Blue Sims 5. Built to Sim 6. Comhair Sims 8. Grim Sims 9. Jack Wolfsim 10. Madoria's World 11. Parsimonious 12. Patina 13. Sims Addiction 14. The Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now
free! Teens ·
Girls 1. All Skins 2. Lisa’s Teen Sims—Thanks SF Diane aka nuttybuddy102000 3. The Sims Hide Out –Thanks SFC admin Rougue! 4. ? ·
Boys 1. All Skins 2. The Sims Hide out 2nd Floor |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Celebrities Skins
6. plus more! Around the Sims
Friendly!) skins
by adrugagainstwar - FSF Squeazy
on a Soapbox– there are few of the skins downloads that are not
functioning on this page, however the ones that are, might be of interest to
Britney Spears Fans, Skateboard fans, and Comic book fans! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Pets Skins
Enchanted Sims – This is a Japanese site, you
can use BableFish to translate it. The
Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now free! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!)
Housekeeper PoleMaxis
The Sims Exchange
--Top-- --Index-- |
Themed Skins SFC
Home Pages: v
Rougue v Valzgr8 v
SFC Splash Screens Plus!
Information: v
SFC Download
Installation/Uninstallation Guide SFC
Tutorials v Making
Casuals into Buyables – by Val v Making
a Haunted Hotel on VacationIsland – by Val v Creating
a brand New Object – by Rougue v Saving Your Sims
– by Bruce/Gandalf v Dealing
With Buffers –
by Rosemary v Making
Tuck-In Beds –
by Rosemary v Using
Lot Manager – by Bruce/Gandalf v
SFC Rugs v
Sims 2 Fanatics
Community –
NEW! v
1. CSI 2. Stargate 3. X-Files 4. Jag 5. Saturday Night Live
1. Final Fantasy 2. Resident Evil Around
the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!)
1. Geishas 2. Punk
Enchanted Sims – This is a Japanese site, you
can use BableFish to translate it. 1. Elves 2. Fairies 1. Seekers
1. Kingdom Hearts 2. Star Ocean 3. Final Fantasy
1. World Skins 2. Medieval 3. Barbie 4. Gothic
1. C.S.I 2. Days of our Lives 3. Plus more!
1. Final Fantasy 2. Metal Gear Solid 3. Wing Commander 4. Alone in the Dark
by adrugagainstwar - FSF
1. Wonder Woman 2. Poodle Skirt
on a Soapbox– there are few of the skins downloads that are not
functioning on this page, however the ones that are, might be of interest to
Britney Spears Fans, Skateboard fans, and Comic book fans!
--Top-- --Index-- |
Meshes: |
is a pay site, with lots of Free content!
--Top-- --Index-- |
Sims Objects: |
Home Objects
Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!) Bunny
Wuffle’s Architectural Supplies
Mid-Atlantic Tan
Brick and "Established" Gold 2.
The Reno
Mylinda’s Mirrored Treasure Chest 2
Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now free! WallSims – This is a pay site that has free
content. You must register to access all content. Registration is free.
the Sims —NEW SITE!
--Top-- --Index-- |
Downtown Objects
Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!) Mylinda’s Mirrored Treasure Chest 2
--Top-- --Index-- |
Vacation Objects
Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!)
--Top-- --Index-- |
Unleashed Objects
--Top-- --Index-- |
SuperStar Objects
Around the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!)
--Top-- --Index-- |
Makin’ Magic Objects
--Top-- --Index-- |
Hacked Objects SFC
Home Pages: v
Rougue v Valzgr8 v
SFC Splash Screens Plus!
Information: v
SFC Download
Installation/Uninstallation Guide SFC
Tutorials v Making
Casuals into Buyables – by Val v Making
a Haunted Hotel on VacationIsland – by Val v Creating
a brand New Object – by Rougue v Saving Your Sims
– by Bruce/Gandalf v Dealing
With Buffers –
by Rosemary v Making
Tuck-In Beds –
by Rosemary v Using
Lot Manager – by Bruce/Gandalf v
SFC Rugs v
Sims 2 Fanatics
Community –
NEW! v
This is one of my all time favorite hacks!
You can put this nifty table into a room, and ever sim in that room will
interact with one another…just like people do in real life! This object is a
must have for any hard core simmer!
SimSlice—free section!
--Top-- --Index-- |
Themed Objects
Mylinda’s Mirrored Treasure Chest 2 ·
bath set – Simply beautifully unique! ·
furniture – for your attics and haunted houses!
objects make a castle into a CASTLE! ·
A new version of
Gnomons YakYak! ·
Plus More! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!)
the Sims—New Site!
WallSims – This is a pay site that has free
content. You must register to access all content. Registration is free. |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Retired Sims
This is my list of Sims Sites
that host retired objects/skins. If I have missed any that you know about,
please send me a quick note telling me about the site with a URL on where to
find it! You can email me at Valzgr8
at yahoo dot com or you can post it to my guest book at the bottom of this
page. I look forward to hearing from you. I don’t know about permission
rights on all of the listed sites, because I couldn’t get a response from all
of the site owners. So, the sites I did hear from, are noted in their titles,
so those of us who are permission conscious can act according to our
consciences and get the objects that are hosted righteously. I love it when
that happens! *smile* |
These sites
either are the original hosts or are hosting retired objects with permission! |
Abercrombie And Sim –Original Host Andrew’s Sim Page–Original Host Saving the Sims -with Permissions!
Native American skins b.
Pet Skins
Simderella Gothic Sims–Original
Host skins
by adrugagainstwar – FSF –Original Host |
Permissions could not be verified for the following hosts. |
Grim’s Graveyard – permissions
could not be verified
--Top-- --Index-- |
These sites
either are the original hosts or are hosting retired objects with permission! |
Sims Bunker Archive -Official
Retired Site! Saving the Sims
- Hosts objects from the
following retired sites with Permissions!
Permissions could not be verified
for the following hosts. |
Grim’s Graveyard – permissions
could not be verified
--Top-- --Index-- |
Real Estate |
Saving the Sims
--Top-- --Index-- |
Walls and Floors |
Saving the Sims
—Official 1. GBNFS, Boo and Friends Real Estate Walls
--Top-- --Index-- |
File Share Friendly |
What are File Share Friendly
(FSF) objects and skins? There are several object
creators and skinners who have agreed to make their creations available
through the email to anyone desiring them. These are FSF objects and skins.
These kindly creators generously allow any regular Simming user to share
their FSF creations through the email with other regular Simming users! So,
even if their Sim Page is retired, you can still obtain their fabulous
objects/skins by finding someone who has it and will send it to you! The best place to identify,
find, and locate File Share Friendly objects and skins is by paying a visit
to Neighborhood99’s ‘Sims
1 N99 Preservation of Bandwidth Society - File Sharing Forum!’,
moderated by genietwo,
who is very helpful and friendly! Inside
the N99’s FSF forum, you will find an extensive list of
all the Sims1 FSF Sims pages! After locating the FSF object
you are looking for in the FSF list, then you are welcome to post in the N99
FSF forum, requesting your desired object or skin, following the request rules as closely as you can…and before you
know it, some friendly N99’er will send you that file to your desired email
addy! FSF
is the greatest thing that ever happened to Simmers all over the world, since
the Sims came out! Let’s
help genietwo
keep the FSF list up to date! When ever you are out hunting for new
downloads, be sure and watch for the FSF icon. C If
you ever find one that is not on the N99 list, be sure and send genietwo
a message about it with a URL to the FSF site! *smile* It’s
the right thing to do, ya’all! Also,
if you are a Sims Creator/Skinner with a Sims Page that you would agree to
make FSF, please let N99 know so they can add your Sims Pages to the FSF
list! We love you FSF sites! *smile* You make Simming a much more beautiful
place to play! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Sims Lots: |
Home Lots
--Top-- --Index-- |
Apartment Lots |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Downtown Lots
Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now free! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Vacation Lots
Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now free! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Unleashed Lots
Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now free! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
SuperStar Lots
Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now free! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Makin’ Magic Lots
Sims Resource—All Sims 1 content is now free! |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Themed Lots
--Top-- --Index-- |
Sims Tutorials: |
Home Pages: v
Rougue v Valzgr8 v
SFC Splash Screens Plus!
Information: v
SFC Download
Installation/Uninstallation Guide SFC
Tutorials v Making
Casuals into Buyables – by Val v Making
a Haunted Hotel on VacationIsland – by Val v Creating
a brand New Object – by Rougue v Saving Your Sims
– by Bruce/Gandalf v Dealing
With Buffers –
by Rosemary v Making
Tuck-In Beds –
by Rosemary v Using
Lot Manager – by Bruce/Gandalf v
SFC Rugs v
Sims 2 Fanatics
Community –
NEW! v
the Sims (Mac/Windows Friendly!) Bunny Wuffle’s School of Sims Transmogrification 4. Brick Work 6. First Steps in Alpha
Channels 7. Next Steps in Alpha
Channels 10. Your Second Entirely
New Object 11. Dealing with
Animated Objects 1. Using Photoshop
Tricks to get rid of Unwanted Yellow Bits 2. Using Photoshop
Layers for Easy Retexturing 3. Using Photoshop
Layers to Line up Images on Multi-Tiled Objects 1. Make Paintings, Tapestries, & Other Large Items Backless 2. Make Paintings, Tapestries, & Other Large Items
Transparent from the Back
Board, the - closed How to make new Pets for Unleashed
1. Part One: Getting to know Simpose Sims Resource, the—All in PDF format!
--Top-- --Index-- |
Sims Patches: |
These patches allow you to have access to build/buy
These patches solve the problem of not
having enough Sims
This patch solves the UL
skill-building problem, enabling objects used by visitors to build skills and
save their progress while at away-from-home lots. This patch also includes the
"join activity upgrade" which will allow you to click on Sims to
join you in many (but not all) group activity objects without needing to
greet them first.
Many patches of this type, that allow
These patches make all the Maxis paintings
backless. Available for many of the EPs.
A patch to make the Vacation maid and
janitor faster and more
These patches make your Vacation and Studio
Town payphones buyable, so you can place as many on your lots as you'd like.
These patches allow you to have access to build/buy
These patches solve the problem of not
having enough Sims This patch solves the UL
skill-building problem, enabling objects used by visitors to build skills and
save their progress while at away-from-home lots. This patch also includes the
"join activity upgrade" which will allow you to click on Sims to
join you in many (but not all) group activity objects without needing to
greet them first. Many patches of this type, that allow |
--Top-- --Index-- |
Sims Tools:
If you download a bunch of user made objects, ThingCheck
is virtually an essential because it is currently the only tool (that I'm
aware of) that searches all downloads for duplicate GUIDs, which will crash
the Sims game to desktop. SkinCheck SkinCheck is a marvelous Sim Tool, created by Ratt Salad, to
search your Sims skins folder and report all duplicate
filenames, missing files and bad bitmaps. Allows a user to clone Sims objects for the purpose of
creating new objects. It is a must have for any user wanting to create new
objects. Allows a user to create Rugs with out having to use the Transmogrifier.--The full version of this program requires a donation. The
Sims Resource—Some are hosted elsewhere, most are free!