About Me
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Max Spiers
NetByte Circle
Website Design
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David Wilcock
Corey Goode
Updated: 09.19.2021
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Hello and Welcome to my website !!

My incredible, most awesome son is 15 years old now. I enjoy spending every free moment with him for sure.  :-)   They say a child changes your life, they are right. Bryce has brought me more joy and love than I ever could have imagined...

I want to continue being a huge part of his life and enjoy every moment I can with him.. -I want to continue being the very, very best daddy (I can be) in the world to him, it's so important to me...

Life moves forward, things change, the winds still blow and rivers still flow...
-everything happens for a reason...

I recently spent 10 days in the emergency room with Covid, so that was somewhat unpleasant...

Many around the world are gradually experiencing collective consciousness, ascension, and more.

I have many other websites I may connect to, time will tell. Thank you for visiting my website, I hope you enjoy it. Since I'm currently re-building everything, you are likely to click on broken links. I'll get those fixed as soon as I can !! Much Love, -Jim :-)

I sure wish I had the time to go thru and update this site properly, time is so evasive. Only 1/4 of the site is online at the moment. Lots going on in the world right now..



Update: I'll be working on this site soon. Visit the Site Status page for details.

My Incredible Son

Shout Box

My newest pages, still being adjusted:

this one only



I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years !!

I'll be expanding this website soon to reflect my enlightenment journey.

Random Babbles

Be sure to cozy up with some hot chocolate, and read "Story Time" on my Rambles page.



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