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Recent GM Games (# 21)

  GM Peter Leko - GM Vassily Ivanchuk  

 The "Melody Amber"  <Rapid>  Tournament 
 Monte Carlo, MNC2004. 

In this game, White does not play energetically enough. His attack is far too slow to cause Black any real concerns. Black builds up an extremely promising position, and it is this pressure that probably causes Leko to blunder. A great game for the player, Vassily Ivanchuk. (Although Ivanchuk has never played for the World's Championship, he was once very solidly in the Top Five players in the whole world.) A great game to play over and study! 

  Click on this header to go to the web site for this net-zine.  (alaf2_rgm21-hdr.gif, 12 KB)

   The first part of this game, click on it to go to their website.  (alaf2_rgm21-gs1.gif, 09 KB)

   This is the second part of this game, click on it to go to their website.  (alaf2_rgm21-gs2.gif, 17 KB)

  Read more of  IM Malcolm Pein's  reports in  THE WEEK IN CHESS.  

This game is in the issue, TWIC # 490. 
(Go to their downloads pageDownload the game in your favorite format!) 

(All games - Code initially generated with the program,  ChessBase 8.0.) 

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This page was last updated on 01/04/13 .

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