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Star Wars Pepsi Cans
Click on the images to see that country's collection of Episode One Pepsi cans:
USA German Canadian French Italian Dutch Australian Turkish Korean

New Zealand UK Japanese Argentinian Malaysian Spanish Brazilian Singapore Austrian
Mexican Greek

Welcome! - Thanks for visiting my site. Here you will find most of the Episode One Pepsi cans released globally. So for those of you in the US who thought that there were only about two dozen cans - you've got a suprise ahead! Click on the cans above to see the collection for that country. If you have any can scans that I do not have, or you have a scan which looks cleaner, please e-mail me.

**NEWS** 02-27-00 12:30pm PST Pepsi Japan has announced their new promotion which includes an amazing 12 new cans (350ml) and 24 new bottles (12 500ml and 12 1.5ml)! Click here to see the Japanese cans.

**NEWS** 03-05-00 10:03pm PST It looks like that the "Get! C-3PO" contest has variant cans. Click here to see the known variants.
