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Star Wars Pepsi Cans - Canadian
Thanks to SLam at SLam's Can Collection for these images.
#1 Anakin Skywalker #2 Sebulba #3 Qui Gon Jinn #4 Watto #5 Jabba #6 Senator Palpatine #7 R2D2 #8 Darth Sidious #9 Darth Maul #10 Jarjar Binks

#11 Mace Windu #12 Obi Wan Kenobi #13 Queen Amidala #14 Padme #15 Shmi Skywalker #16 Battle Droid #17 Chancellor Valorum #18 C-3PO #19 Nute Gunray #20 Boss Nass

The Canadian collection is slightly smaller in size than the US collection of 24. They look somewhat similar to the US cans except they have writing in both English and French. These 20 cans have a few variations due to the fact of three major bottlers located in Canada. The Quebec can, for instance, has a gold top rather than a silver top. Other variations include the size and shape of the "ribs" on the upper side.