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Welcome to the Acro Library. Please feel free to browse our selection for your reading pleasure.

We feature literature that includes Pressroom releases from Libbie and Peej~. Laugh yourself silly as they dish the scoop on all of your favorite acro players. But be careful out there! You never know when you might be the next "Headline".
Listen to machiaBelly rumble as he let's you hear what really gets his tummy turning. It's not just the beer talking folks, he always speaks from his gut.
Belly's Rumblings
Is your belly rumbling? Are you tired of the same old thing? Step into The Cooking Corner to see what's on the menu.
Cooking Corner
Need a little mystery in your life? Stop by and see what The Mystery Writer has to say. He's always lurking and spinning a web of intrigue. Just wondering who he is will keep you in suspense.
Mystery Writer
Visit WindDancer at Poetry For The Soul and be touched by her writings of sentiment and inspiraton. She will lighten your heart and put passion in your soul.
Poetry For The Soul
Have you got something on your mind? Don't know where to turn for the answers? Look in on Dear Blabby to see if she has the answers you are looking for. If not, feel free to drop her an email and ask her for advice.
Dear Blabby

Still need some additional reading material? Well then march on over to the Literary Corner and browse Librarian Libbie's list of best sellers.
Literary Corner

We hope you have enjoyed your visit. Unlike other libraries, you do not need a membership card, nor will you incur any late fees for overdue viewing. Take all the time you need to explore our reading materials.


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If you already haven't and would like to try the game that brought us all together, just click on the link below and try our favorite game "Acrophobia".