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Natures Beauty

The sun sets in the midnight twilight, slips behind the clouds tonight, come morning it will climb the mountains to shine upon the earth and bestow light.

Ocean waves lap gently at the shoreline arousing soft grains of sand, above a silhouette of a sea gull with fluttering wings soars through the clouds taking flight.

Fluffy white clouds floating through the sky, the darkest ones dropping moisture upon the land, soft raindrops falling on lily white petals, a sign of Spring.

The raindrops shimmer on the flowers and the deep green earth below and after a beautiful rainbow stretches across the sky, seemingly never ending.

The whispering winds flow through the trees giving life to the leaves, gently they flow within the breeze and fall softly to the ground.

Upon the ground, beneath the bushes, hidden from view, soft gentle eyes are peeking out into the world gathering food, scurrying all around.

Somewhere in the distance a thundering of water can be heard crashing upon the rocks swiftly and into a pool of sparkling diamonds.

On a grassy knoll way up in the mountains the mist rises and the birds sing in all their glory into the the four winds that blow.

Above the world in the midnight sky, stars twinkle within the darkness, the moon rises within the sky and surrounds the world with it's glow.

Heart and Soul

Your in my dreams day and night. Your fiercely soul lights up my life.

Your body warmth next to mine. Your heart and soul thou shall find.

My body rejoices whenever your near. Your tender touch and caresses I feel.

Your sweet kind words for go my mind. My heart and soul thou shall find.

Beneath the stars of the sky, I await Waiting for love to lead you to me, my fate.

Destiny arises within our souls. Together our hearts will become whole.

My soul mate in this life and eternity My heart and soul thou shall find.

I'll fulfill you and you'll fulfill me. Your heart and soul thou shall find.

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