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Altoona Blair County Scanner Frequency Guide


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Best Scanner Frequencies

Blair Co. Listed Frequencies

Blair Co. Listed Frequencies
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Fire Companies

33.4600 Martinsburg Vol. Fire Co.

33.4800 Martinsburg Vol. Fire Co.

33.7400 Martinsburg Vo. Fire Co.

46.4200 Blair County Fire Dispatch "Low Band" F-1 (not used)

46.4200 Martinsburg Vol Fire Company (not used)

46.1200 Blair County Fire "Low Band" F-2 (not used)

46.1200 Martinsburg Vol Fire Company (not used)

46.2200 Blair County Fire "Low Band" F-3 (not used)

46.2200 Martinsburg Vol Fire Company (not used)

46.4800 Blair County Fire "Low Band" F-4 (not used)

46.4800 Martinsburg Vol Fire Company (not used)

72.1000 Altoona Fire Dept (not used)

75.5000 Altoona Fire Dept (not used)

452.7000 Blazing Arrow Hook & Ladder Fire Co Tyrone (b)
457.7000 Blazing Arrow Hook & Ladder Fire Co Tyrone (m)

453.0250 Geeseytown Fire Co (u)

458.0250 Geeseytown Fire Co (u)

453.1250 Phoenix Fire Co Hollidaysburg

(m) 458.1250 Phoenix Fire Co Hollidaysburg

453.7750 Friendship Fire Co #1 Roaring Springs (b)
458.7750 Friendship Fire Co #1 Roaring Springs (m)

453.9500 East & West Fire Operations (b)
458.9500 East & West Fire Operations (m)

458.9750 Duncansville Fire Dept

458.9750 Station 20's talk around/highway dept

460.0500 Blair County Fire Southern Operations

460.1000 Blair County Fire North Operations

460.1875 Blair County Fire Police Operations 1

460.2750 Blair County Fire Regional Operations

460.2875 Blair County Fire Police Operations 2

460.3875 Blair County Fire Police Operations 3

460.5000 Blair County Fire Central Operations

460.5750 Altoona Fire Dept AFD F-1 (b)
465.5750 Altoona Fire Dept AFD F-1 "direct" (m)

460.6000 Blair County Fire Dispatch "High Band"

460.6250 Blair County Fire Altoona Fire HazMat (b)
465.6250 Blair County Fire HazMat (m)

462.9500 Used by fire when setting up landing zones or when med 10 462.9750 is too busy.

Fire Station Identifiers:
10 Hollidaysburg
12 Newburg
14 Kittaning Trail
15 Lakemont
16 Greenwood
18 United Fire Department
19 Keystone Search & Rescue
20 Duncansville
21 Tipton
22 Bellwood
23 Pinecroft
24 Sinking Valley
30 Geeseytown
31 Tyrone
33 Tyrone Blazing Arrow Hook and Ladder
34 Tyrone Neptune FC
36 Bald Eagle
40 Freedom Township
50 Allegheny Township
51 Allegheny Twp-Foot Of Ten Station refer to themselves as station 51
60 Roaring Spring
70 Claysburg
80 Martinsburg
81 Blair County Fire Police
86 Blue Knob
90 Williamsburg
300 Altoona
310 Altoona Fire Company 1
320 Altoona Fire Company 2
330 Altoona Fire Company 3
340 Altoona Fire Company 4

Emergency Medical Service Identifiers:
410 Hollidaysburg
418 Hollidaysburg/Martinsburg Substation
419 Hollidaysburg/Meadows South Substation
420 Duncansville
429 Duncansville/Meadows North Substation
430 AMED/Altoona
450 Bellwood
460 Southern Blair EMS/Roaring Spring
470 Southern Blair EMS/Claysburg
474 Southern Blair EMS/East Freedom
479 Southern Blair EMS/Blue Knob
480 AMED/Lakemont-Logan Twp
490 Williamsburg

REQUEST: Blair County East & West Fire Frequencies?
I have been informed by a visitor to the guide that they believe there are two frequencies used by Blair Co Fire Departments called, "Blair County Fire East" and "Blair County Fire West."
During some recent fires he has heard water ops instructed to use "West Ops" and Williamsburg and Martinsburg assigned to use "East" operations for fireground ops quite often. If anyone knows the frequencies for East or West operations please email me and I'll gladly pass the information along. Thank you.
UPDATE: For new information on the East/West Fire Ops frequency Click Here.

To contact me by e-mail please click here: E-mail

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Altoona Blair County Scanner Frequency Guide
Copyright © 1999-2005

Frequencies marked:
(b) = base frequency - Usually the mobile frequencies can be heard on the base frequency.
(m) = mobile frequency - Only needed if mobile units can not be heard on the base channel.
(u) = unlisted in FCC records - Reasons: License not renewed, frequency no longer in use, a hidden frequency, or low power that is not listed.