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These are a few helpful hints I've learned over the years...

1. Try to make your opponent fire at you. (Especially if they have a single shot weapon, such as the Mono Blast, Auto Grip, etc.) Once they fire charge in a shoot them in the face, and, or head.

2. Always have something between you and your enemy.

3. Don't ever take prisoners it can only end in you dieing. (Believe me I know.)

4. If you have lots of pillows lying around, use them for barracading doors. It doesn't matter if your team knocks it down when you leave the base, because if you retreat and the other team attacks it will make for trickier footing. Resulting in an enemy tripping, and your team getting an easy kill. Chances are they won't trip, but it will slow them down and make it harder for them to dodge in coming shots.

5. When you fire a pistol such as the Lock n' Load and you are outdoors, flick your wrist a little when firing. It will decrease the accuracy some, but you will get more range.

6. If playing in a park with new playground equipment, avoid going into those plastic tubes. They turn into death traps.

7. If you have a Tornado, and you are collecting ammo, simply aim your gun at people. Normally enemies will cowerdly run at the site of a Tornado, and since they don't know if you're loaded or not it doesn't matter.

8. Watch shadows. If you see a shadow on a wall move, you know where they are.

9. If you are involved in a close proximity "dog fight" be sure to pull out a handgun. It is much easier to kill somebody a foot away with a handgun such as the Lock n' Load, Secret shot, or Sharpshooter II then it is with a Supermaxx 5000, Tornado, etc.

10. Don't always try to be the hero. If you know somebody on your team is better at Nerf wars then you are try to hit your opponents squarly in the chest instead of trying to take them out in one shot to the head. Chances are you will miss that shot, but if you had hit your opponent two or so times in the chest it would make your teams best players' job a lot easier.


What plan should your team carry out to win the war? It is a commonly asked question. Here are a few basic plans that may help your team achieve victory.

1. If you are playing in a house with stairs, (and you have one team on top and one team on bottom.) Try running up the stairs in rank. Put your worst warrior in front so he can take all the hits and your commander in back. Have a place at the top of the stairs for your team to meet. Preferably a room. Anywhere where your enemy isn't. Once up the stairs you will probably be down a man, but you have your opponent on its heals. Chances are you will win the battle.

Chance of winning... 80%

2. When outside in a fort or on a playground. Try surrounding your enemies. Go in the woods or anywhere necessary. Chances are your enemy will find a weak spot in your group and run through it to another part of the park/yard. They probably lost at least one man in the process now all you have to do is finish them off.

Chance of winning... 65%

3. If you are playing at a school or some place with two bases always try to be the team that attacks. The team defending often has little room to move and won't be able to dodge your shots, but be careful, you are out in the open and a good sniper could take out most of your team.

Chance of winning... 60%

4. While playing in a two story house, if you are the team that is upstairs try picking the team off or just hitting the other team once or twice with Tornados, Supermaxx1000s, etc. Once you're out of ammo with these locate cover downstairs. Go down the stairs and quickly move towards cover. You will probably be hit once maybe twice, but you will be forcing the other team into a small area of the house. All of their ammo will be upstairs as well. If they retreat you can also collect ammo. Move in for the kill.

Chance of winning... 55%

Good luck and happy hunting!
