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Are you tired of those crappy guns you spent too much on? Well, here is a what will soon be a very large collection of modification ideas. I may also have a section on how to repair common problems in guns! All the modifications listed below were of my own making. I did not copy anyone elses modification, nor were any of these sent into me. When using objects which may inflict damage on your person or someone else, have an adult present and always be careful.

now serving (17) modifications, for (13) guns. (including basic mods)

Basic Modifications

Spring Enlargement Method-Depending on the gun there should almost always be a main spring capable of stretching. First you open up the gun, remembering to save all screws and pieces of the gun. Remove the main spring from the large plastic rod it is on (twist it off) then the easiest way to stretch the springs is to get to pliers, hold each end and s t r e t c h! This will improve the power, and range by approximatly 5-10 feet.

Rubber Band Method-Again, depending on the gun, most of the time there is a cocker of some kind. Chances are it will be a plastic rod with a plastic oval on the end. Get (3) large, thick rubber bands. Put one through the eye of the cocker and loop the other two through each side. connect these two rubber bands somewhere on the gun (the farther away from the cocker the better.) Add more layers of rubber bands as desired. Once done this should improve range by approximatly 10-15 feet!

Lock n' Load-First take off that big yellow thing you use to cock it. Once done throw it away, the spring is so mangled by now it is useless anyway. Next take out all the screws and set them aside. Pull the firing chamber out of the gun and lightly stretch the main spring. (If you stretch it too much you won't be able to get it to fire, I know from experience.) Close the gun back up and screw everything back in place.

-Since the gun is open, you can do this. Get something that can cut through plastic. A flat-headed screw driver can work (if you use this method, get a small hammer, and tap the handle of the screwdriver until it breaks through each of the little plastic "cross hairs" located within the barrel.) Otherwise just cut each one until the stick in the barrel pops out.

Expand a Blast-Open this gun up. Sounds simple enough...HA! This has to be one of the very hardest guns to open! You unscrew everything and start to open it and it gets stuck nere the back...okay, you yank it open, right? WRONG! I yanked it open and pieces scattered everywhere in my room. Find a way to open this thing and if it isn't in pieces around your room draw what you see, it took me two hours to figure out how to put this thing back together. Anyway, twist the spring off it's rod (you can figure it out) then s t r e t c h that thing as long as you can. Put it back together. Then remove the rod in the barrel, try to remove the base of the rod too. Then use the rubber band method (the cocker will bend a little) and this thing can shoot those larami darts at least 3 times farther and faster then it could those type 2 darts!

Expand a Blast: Open up the gun. First of all, remove all of the non-vital springs, (things which cause it to "expand"). Next, See how there is that large tube which leads to the "expanding" barrel? Saw that off. Now connect the barrel that you still have to the main compression chamber using a piece of PVC. I used hot glue, and a 1/2 inch PVC male adapter. After several hours, and due to a shortage of plastic (I sawed a lot of stuff off) I chose this. This made my gun, (w/ the right kind of dart) shoot 90 feet! (I performed this modification quite some time ago, I just forgot to post it.)

Bow n' Arrow-This is a very simple gun to modify. First open up the gun. Take those pink things off, they just get in the way. Close the gun back up and cut about a 1/2 inch off the barrel. As always be careful while using objects that if used incorrectly could result in injury. Once done, you can shoot Arrows, and type 2 darts. You can also shoot larami darts, but you will run a high risk of having the darts sucked up into the gun.

Mad Hornet-First open up the gun. Find the barrals. See those holes? Get some tape and seal those up. Close up the gun making sure to put it back together correctly. Now get some larami darts, make sure you have lots of extras, 'cause these darts will never be the same. Stuff those darts in there, pump up and fire away.

Sharp Shooter II-The first thing you have to do is open the gun, the gun I modified was brittle and several things that didn't really matter broke. Once you have done this, find the main spring and stretch that. Close the gun and use the rubber band method. (Repeat as desired.)

Sharpshooter II-This will make your gun a little weaker, power wise, but you will be able to fire two shots at once! Okay, open the gun up. detatch the barrels from the white and green switching chamber. Take the switching chamber off the thing that hold the main spring. Duct tape the barrels to this main chamber. Make sure it is air tight. Done. Now seal it up and go win some Nerf wars.

Supermaxx 5000-Get the barrel that fires darts. (As always use common since when using power tools. Have an adult watching and don't mess around.) Okay, get a drill bit smaller then the barrel and drill down the barrel as far as you can. Use a larger drill bit and repeat. Do until barrel is cleared of plastic. (The barrel may not be smooth on the inside, but it doesn't really matter. The darts will shoot at least twice as far! Now get the barrel that shoots arrows. Use a small drill bit and make a guiding hole as close to centered as possible on the orange cap of the barrel. Now drill into the orange cap until you break through. Increase drill bit size until complete. Remove the remaining edges of the orange cap. Now with your new and improved Supermaxx5000 you can fire Arrows, larami darts of any kind, type 1 darts, micro darts, balls, just about anything you can jam in there. Experiment with this. Instead of just setting a micro dart in the barrel, blow it all the way in there. Even with micro darts you can get average distance and power! (As far as know I invented this modification, it cannot be found anywhere else on the web unless someone stole it from me.)

No picture available.

Secret Shot II-Remove the prong inside the barrel.This can be a little tricky on occasion but just twist it around and around until it snaps. This allows you to fire larami darts.

Once again when using power tools have an adult around. Get a drill bit the size of the "secret" barrel and drill down the barrel (The drill bit should simply drill out the air restricter). This creates greater air flow making for a more powerful shot.

Supermaxx 500-As always while using power tools have an adult around. This is a great modification this gun desperatly needs. Get a drill bit the size of the barrel, and drill directly down the barrel. Drill until you no longer see the junk that holds the dart. Once done you should be able to get out a spring. Clean out the barrel. It will fire much better then ever before.

Secret Shot-Take the gun apart remembering how to put it back together. (It is a very basic gun, you shouldn't have any problems.) Take the firing tube that darts slide over and cut the tip off, so that the tip has one large hold instead of two smaller holes. This makes for a smoother air flow which in turn makes the darts fire further.

Supermaxx 1500-Take the gun apart. Remove the set of barrels, and get a drill bit the same size as the barrels. Drill down the barrel. (As always have an adult supervising and don't mess around while using power tools.) Drill down each barrel, and use a piece of sand paper to smooth out the barrels if necessary. If you wish since you already have the gun open you can remove the orange "Air Tank" to make the gun smaller. (While I was doing this, some of the barrels snapped off. Use some glue, epoxy, etc., to put the barrels back into place.) This modification allows you to fire type 2 darts with great power, but you lose some power on supermaxx darts.

Tornado-Take the gun apart. There is the cover that you have to pull back to load. If I remember correctly there is a spring holding this in place. You can remove it. The gun will be harder to aim, but it will be easier to load. you can also remove the viewing window if you wish.

Supermaxx 250-This modification improves the gun slightly. Use your best judgement, and find something to cut the tips of the barrels with. This will increase the air flow. If necessary get a piece of sand paper and smooth out the edges.

Lightnin' Blitz-Look down the barrel. See those "sticks?" Open up the gun. The barrels are seperate from the tank. Get a marker or something and press down into the barrels (like how you would put a dart into it). "The sticks" should just fall out.
