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Sailor Moon is © Naoko Takeuchi et al, 1992.

Are you a Sailor Moon fan? Wanna get your hands on your own copies of the manga? Don't know where to go? The following information should help! (I hope ^_~ )

  • Many manga, both original Japanese and especially translated, are available at regular comic shops. Try looking in the yellow pages for your local comic book shop, or call 1-888-COMIC BOOK to find the comic shop nearest you. If the only comic shops around don't carry Sailor Moon, or if you are looking for the original Japanese (which is harder to find), the owner of the store may be able to order it specially for you if you ask.
  • A company called Mixx Publications offers translated issues of Sailor Moon. They started the series in a magazine called Mixxzine - which has been renamed Tokyo Pop - now it runs in its own book, and they have started running Sailor Moon S in a magazine called Smile. They also offer collected additions that they call 'Pocket Manga'. More info on their products and subscription information at their web site.
  • Another good place to look, especially if you live in a larger city, is Chinatown. You'll be amazed what you can find if you look hard enough.
  • There is a Shopping Guide section of the Anime Web Turnpike that lists places to shop for anime and manga in various locations around the world.
  • You may be able to find a deal on used manga at Ebay. Serch around often for a bargin.

Toronto Resources
If you live in Toronto, like I do, here is a list of places that I like to go to for manga stuff. 

  • The Silver Snail - locations at 367 Queen St. W., 2374 Yonge St. and 391 Bank St. in Ottawa. I've never been to the shop on Yonge or the one in Ottawa, but the one on Queen has an excellent selection of English translated manga, as well as some original Japanese stuff upstairs.
  • Kiki Wai - In the Chinatown Center at 222 Spadina Ave. A small shop, but stuffed to the top with all kinds of neat stuff. You might have to do a little wandering around before you find it, but there are plenty of other neat shops to stumble across until you do find it. The people who work there are really nice too! I highly recommend it.

Related links

Mixx Publications
Anime Web Turnpike
Ebay Canada
The Silver Snail

Well, that's about all the helpful hints I can think of. I hope that this info can help some of you out there who are having trouble finding manga to enjoy. I wish I could help out more people internationally, but I've only ever lived here in Canada, so I don't have very much personal experience with finding manga elsewhere. The best advice is don't give up looking! It's worth the effort. ^_~