Molly's Reviews

The Plumber and the Wishing WellThe Plumber and the Wishing Well
Liam Maher
Writer's Exchange ePublishing

Pleasing read ... Recommended ... 5 stars

On Christmas Eve a plumber is very distraught. He has no money with which to buy gifts for his family. The plumber has a friend Tupo Hoopoe who usually winters in Africa, however this year the plumber has offered to let Tupo Hoopoe enjoy his warm home for the winter. Tupo Hoopoe speaks to her friend out in the Pea Wood about the sad situation. Oracle Owl suggests that Tupo Hoopoe sit and watch down at the thorny thicket. The Wishing Well Tupo Hoopoe sees there will solve the plumber's problems. The Wishing Well appears to be broken and no longer works for the little people who come to make their wishes. The plumber is able to repair the broken well, the little people are happy. Despite the fact that The Plumber does not make a wish, he is able to buy his family the gifts he hoped for them.

Irish writer Maher has produced another credible work. "The Plumber and the Wishing Well" is a book sure to enchant children from three to ten as well as satisfy parents and older kids. The message that kindness shown most often brings kindness in return is a lovely one for the younger children to hear as Mom or Dad read the story to them. I like the notion that the plumber will use his skills to repair the well in exchange for money he will receive rather than the notion of 'something for nothing' just wish and get.

"The Plumber and the Wishing Well" weaves a fine tale, phraseology used is not out of the understanding for most kids, Tupo Hoopoe is a delight.

Art work created for this publication by illustrator Gin May is excellent. The edition is not a picture book per se, however it does have enough illustrations that youngsters will quickly recognize what type of bird Tupo Hoopoe, thorny thicket, pea wood and the little people are.

Vocabulary is a little advanced for the younger set, on the other hand many in the 8-10 group will quickly pick up on both the non US American spelling of a word or two and the perhaps unknown awareness of thorny thicket, pea wood and stinging nettles. "The Plumber and the Wishing Well" offers many opportunities for class or home discussion regarding values as to why it is always wise to use our talents, offer aid when possible, and look for alternative solutions rather than simply sit and give up in the face of hardship. Due to the writer being Irish the work will fit well into the classroom geography discussion as children use a globe to discover where the author lives and the story may take place. This is a book I would happily use in my own Kindergarten-First Grade program. A second study for finding Australia on the map may also ensue as teacher/parents point out whereabouts of the publisher.

Enjoyed the read, happy to recommend.




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