Molly's Reviews

Neil Marr and Tim Field
Success Unlimited

This work is a result of copious research. Bullycide opens with the story of the first known bullycide, 1967, in the UK. All the anecdotes detailed in Bullycide are the result of research done in the UK and span time from 1967 to the present. The first child to die by his own intent, as a result of bullying by his fellows, was 11. The youngest the researchers found was 8. One overwhelming theme running throughout the book is that children by and large do not tell parents or others about their being abused. The few who did often found their story discounted by teachers, parents or both. By and large much of the abuse suffered by these youngsters was viewed by adults who were aware that a child was bruised, suffering and tormented as being only 'boys will be boys.'

Excellent research. Well written work. So difficult to read the torment these children suffered. Bullycide is presented by writers Marr and Field in a straight forward, non theatrical manner. The facts of the cases speak for themselves. Books such as Bullycide are a must read. This book will help to enlighten readers to the terrible torment children who are bullied endure.

I am both a teacher and a parent. While it is difficult to imagine that anyone would simply ignore the amount of abuse detailed in Bullycide, I am aware that for many years in this country (USA) as well as in the UK children's hassle of other children was most often not seen as a true problem warranting dedication for eradication. Especially significant was Marr and Field's finding that bullies on the playground by and large grow into adults who continue bullying their family, co-workers, neighbors and others. The research bore out that the intimidated generally go on to be adults who allow themselves to be bullied by their family, co-workers, neighbors and others.

Excellent work, highly recommended for all teachers, parents and those who work with children on any level




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