Confronted with Death
B J Bloch
J Bloch,
Eighteen year old Beth Stuyvesant
faces the death of her mother Mattie with the same stoic resolve
she has maintained from the time Mattie was diagnosed with ALS
five years previous. At first Beth's demanding father had continued
to expect his 'marital due' even as the degenerative illness
ravages his wife's body until two years after the onset he leaves.
Beth is forced to simply accept the awful illness and watch
as her beloved mother wastes away. Alone at eighteen Beth begins
college, falls in love and is betrayed by the married man who
has lied to her. Beth is nearly devastated and contemplates
suicide before she leaves Philadelphia to begin teaching school
in Indiana where meets a promising student. Working to help
Pete Bascomb learn to read is the one bright spot in Beth's life.
The first chapter of the books is available on line
Beth's unselfish devotion to
her new job and Pete are repaid over time by the youngster's
caring for her. Writer Bloch has an interesting writing style
which is sure to evolve into even better over time. The straight
forward narrative to be found in "Confronted with Death"
is not similar to his mystery "Another Senseless Killing".
The latter was a mystery, "Confronted with Death"
is a contemporary 'slice of life' type offering. Bloch presents
an array of well developed, although not always likeable characters
such as we confront in life. Beth's father and Art the fellow
student with whom she is in love are both weak men willing to
use others and think of themselves first. This is a not a 'it
all works out well' type tale. Beth is confronted with misery,
death, and heartache more than her share, also such as is often
confronted in life.
Bloch's writing is hard hitting,
decisive and on the whole well thought out. My one reservation
is that one so young and with so little education as Beth would
be given a teaching position in the manner she was. I, a teacher
of 20+ years classroom experience question that Beth would have
met the requirements for a teaching credential in Indiana. Other
than that one glitch the book comes off as well written, not
an easy read and not one to leave the reader with warm fuzzy
feelings when it ends. It is a thoughtful, realistic presentation
by one in the medical profession of what families may face when
they confront the reality of illness for which there is no explanation,
no cure and nothing to do but watch the degeneration of their
loved one. It is a story that needs to be told, and Bloch has
told it well.
"Confronted with Death"
is not a tale for a lazy afternoon in the hammock. It is a book
to be read thoughtfully and with growing understanding for the
terrible problems confronting both those suffering form catastrophic
illness and those who are caring for the sufferer.
Difficult read due to the tragedy
of catastrophic illness and the long term ramifications attendant
to such. |