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ces to go, things to see

Welcome to my warped world. Here is a place where you'll find a little about my world, interests and perhaps learn a thing or two.

You will find I'm a bit of a dichotomy, and have rather varied interests. I try and live outside the box most of the time, although I often have to leave a toe or two on the inside...a delicate balancing act. But it just makes life a bit more interesting.

I hope you'll enjoy discovering some of my interests and sharing in my life. If you are a bit squeamish, you might want to avoid some areas of this page, however, I assure you that you'll find some unusual and interesting items here.

In the future, I'll be adding lots more to this page with some of my writings, thoughts as well as things which I've discovered on the net.

Enjoy your journey.

 If you have any questions, comments, etc. please contact the webmistress

Last updated August 16, 1998

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