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The Norn Hangout -- Home
The Norn Hangout

Hi I'm trying to update my page at least once a week
so bear with me; feel free to remind me when I forget.

This is my web page please don't copy the pictures 
without permission.

Get your norns here. Want a few norns? You can get some here. I don't have very many right now but I'll have a lot soon.Click Here
Send me your norns Have any norns that you don't want? Send them here. I'll take them. Please do not send me sick norns.Click Here
Ask me anything you want about norns. I'll try to answer it the best I can. Click on my e-mail address at the bottom of the screen to send me your questions.
The Creatures time Here you can read my news letter. I'll try to update it once a week. Click Here

This is my page alot of thanks to Dr§mile it has alot of great cobs and there will be more shortly.
Send me your Info. I need Creature info, plus I'm putting stories--so send me your news or stories.

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