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The Norn's Hangout--The Norn's Time

issu # 5                                         6/9/98

Dear reader sorry that this hasn't been updated in a while
I am busy at the moment but your in for a treat.

Whats hot/not
Creatures 2 is comeing out to the 
USA this fall!! The life kit is old news

Poems     New

This isn't a real artical just something I left out on the last one enjoy!

This is a poem the writer's name is at the bottom:

	The quiet ticking of the clock, the softness of the fire's glow, 
	it's serene and heavenly, it will calm and sooth a soul.
	A computer world that harbours life, has anything that life 	would
need. There is food and there are toys, there are plants         and
there are weeds.
	But it is not a perfect place, there's the grendel and the           
weeds. But it also has the most deadly thing for life, disease.
	Unless you change this with a COB, this is what this world will 	be.
But COB's do help in many ways, so it's your choice         intierly.
	               Life is in your hands.
	By: Katharine Hebert
	c. 1998. Katharine Hebert. Inc.

I'm sorry I also lost the story to.

I'm offering  2 norns that are not posted to the first 3
people who give me story's or poems!

Creatures 2
Have you checked out the origional Creatures web page

Norns can become smarter as the game gose and the
illnesses can become more complex.

Sorry I lost the peoms and story that I had.

By Shalom
Edited by Dr§mile
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