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The Norn's Hangout--Cobs

Here are a bunch of cobs i think they all work if one doesn't please email me and tell me which one.Click If Cobs Not Working.
AnthillThis only runs in creatures 1.0.2 After injecting this COB to CREATURES an anthill will appear in the garden. You will see a lot of ants running around. Some of them are carrying little pieces of leafes. When a norn or the user clicks on one of the ants, the ant will be crushed and a 'red' soldier ant will appear somewhere. Teach your norns not to touch those 'red' soldier ants, because they will cause pain. You can't crush the soldier ants ! If you touch the anthill, a couple of soldier ants and some flying ants will appear. They try to defend their ant colony. Those flying ants behave like mosquitos ! If a norn touches some of the 'normal' ants, it will start to giggle, because they are tickling. The ants like to eat cheese, honey and all that comes from the distillerie (they know what tastes!!!). They also like to eat caterpillars !Apple This injects a single apple into albia. Remeber one apple a day keeps the doctor away.Baby Dragon This is a baby dragon that flys the sky of albia i think.Hot Air Ballon This is a cob that injects a hot air ballon so that your creatures can fly the skys of albia. BUT DON"T FORGET THE BLACK HOLE PATCH or you might lose some creatures because they can get sucked into a black hole.Beanie Machine This is a machine that lets your creatures have a collection of beanie babys.Beanie Images This is the first set of images for the Beanie Machine.Beanie Images This is the second set of images for the Beanie Machine.Beanie Images This is the Third set of images for the Beanie Machine.Beanie Images This is the fourth set of images for the Beanie Machine.Black Hole Patch This is for the black holes in creatures it patches them so they are no longer there and if you have the hot air ballon you won't lose and creatures.Carrot Dispenser This is a portable Carrot Dispenser like the one in creatures on the island but only the norns can get a carrot from it i think.Carrot Vender This is a portable Carrot Vender.Cheese This is for those people that need cheese but not that much it injects a single peace of cheese.Cheeses These two cob for those people how just run out of cheese they inject lots of cheese to the garden or to the cellar.Cheese Vender This is a Portable Cheese Vender.Chicken Soup This is chicken soup it injects one bowl at a time.Chips This is for those creatures that don't watch their weight it is a bunch of greasy chips.Cho Cho Train This injects a cho cho train into albia for your creatures to play with.Coffee Machine This puts a coffee machine into albia it is for those creatures that are very old and retired.CocaCola Machine This is a CocaCola machine it dispenses bottles of coke.Cooking Pot This puts a cooking pot on the stove in albia when presses it dispenses a single bowl of soup which is good for energy.Cow This injects a cow into albia and it can refill milk bottles but the norns love playing with it when they touch it is mooooo's.Dog This injects a dog into albia which norns love to play with.Donut Vender This injects a donut vender into albia.Dutch Milk Vender This injects a dutch milk vender which when pushed dispenses a single bottle of dutch milk.Electric Fan This will inject an electric fan which can be used to cool off your creatures.Feverfew This injests feverfew just like the one in creatures but it can be move with the hand.Feverfew Vender This will inject a portable feverfew vender.Fill Honey This is a cob when injected it will fill all empty honey jars.Fire Works This will inject a fire work into albia and when pressed it shuts into the skys of albia and display many colors of sparkles.Fish Food This is a food object, once eaten by your creatures it will do the following to them: hunger -- by 250 tiredness -- by 100 sleepiness -- by 100 glycogen ++ by 200Original Fridge This is the original fridge it is located in the kitchen and you or one of your creatures can open and get a carrot, honey, or some cheese.Frog Injects frogs into albia's waters right under the temple but it injects a few and they make alot of noise some times.Full Term The Full Term Pregnancy Infusion checks the current Norn for a pregnancy, and if the Norn is pregnant, carries the pregnancy to full term. Some people have had problems with partial pregnancies that never finish, and others may wish to have their Norns lay eggs more quickly. Using this COB, combined with some kind of fertility infusion, extremely rapid breeding is possible.Gentian This is a gentian plant just like the one in creatures but you can move it with the hand.Gentian Vender This injects a portable gentian vender.Grapevine This injects a grape vine on the cliff above the water fall on the left side.Grendal Set This new set of COB's allows you to set whether or not your grendels are Nasty, or Nice, to your norns...Grubs This cob only works if you have the cloud butter flys install it will inject 12 grubs on the bottom level of albia.Halloween If we celebrate Halloween why not let our norn & grendals here is a bunch of stuff to let them have a happy Halloween.Hand Tickets Do you dread resetting your world because you have to reset all your "Favorite Spots"? Well, dread no more. Here are seven booklets of tickets to good places like the garden and Island.Happy Juice machine This Cob. Will make you happy along with your norn. It will make your norn smile from ear to ear and bring up health to 99%!!! Very good Cob.Holo Doc Holo Doc needs the Creatures V1.0.1 update! Holo Doc will test your norns and heal them when they are ill...Honey VenderThis is a portable Honey Vender but the jars can only be picked up once.Hootch VenderThis is a portiable Hootch Vender but the Hootch cups can be use only three times.IcecreamThis is just a bowl of icecream. The ice cream will appear near the stove in the house. The Ice Cream Cobs have the following results to the norn eating it: Need for Pleasue decrease: 100 Hunger : - 80 Hotness decrease : 120 Glucose : + 120Komodo dragonThis is a Komodo Dragon when you inject it will appear in the jungle and just walk around that level of albia.Lava Lamp This is a Lava Lamp it is injected in to the hand and you can put it any where just click it to make it work or let one of your Creatures.Lemonade Dispenser This is a Lemonade Dispenser it is located right out side of the kitchen before the garden and it dispenses one bottle of lemonade at a time.Lemon VenderThis is a portable lemon vender when pressed it dispenses a single lemon just like the ones in Creatures.Praying MantisThis injects a single praying mantis it just walks around albia i think it is injected into the jungle.Morning Glory VenderThis is a portable morning glory vender this the best herb for your Creatures.Milk BottleThis is the milk bottle that the cow can fill up just place it right under it. Got Milk.New Milk Shake MachineThis is a New milk shake machine it dispenses strawberry milk shakes. It is located in the kitchen right beside the stove. I like this one my self.Old Milk Shake MachineThis is the old milk shake machine it also dispenses strawberry milk shakes. It is also located by the stove.MonalisaThis is a picture of Monalisa when injected it is placed in a picture frame right under the kitchen in the cellar.Moon CheeseThis is moon cheese it is like the regular cheese except it is green when it only injects one piece at a time.Morning GloryThis is just like the morning glory in Creatures except that you can move it.Mutant ClocksThis is the mutant clocks cob when injected it makes all the clocks in Creatures were you or your Creatures can push them and they will make a sound.Night QuilThis is exactly what it sounds like it is just like the night quil that we take.Norn DollThe Norn doll is a toy for Norns and Grendels to make them a bit less lonely, angry, etc., and to remind them to eat food. The effects are highly experimental, since this is the first COB to do anything neurological. I welcome any feedback. Creatures can squeeze the doll to make it say "mommy" in a Norn voice, or they can kiss it.Orignal ObjectsThis is just some of the original objects from Creatures like the shower and the fish bowl.Orange TreeThis is an orange tree when injected it appears on the deck right by the tree and it grows one orange at a time.Party BearThe party bear is a toy for Norns and Grendels to make them a bit less lonely, angry, etc.Pear TreeThe pear tree is a pear tree that is injected into the jungle right after the temple it blooms and then pears appear on it.Pepsi
The pepsi cob is just what it sounds like it injects a single bottle of pepsi.Pink FlowerThis is flowers just like the ones the cloud butterfly loves but they are pink and you can move them with the hand.Pretzal VenderThis is a portable pretzal vender when pushed it dispenses one New York Pretzal.PumpsThis is two pumps they look just like the one in the garden and they come with six glasses of water one of the pumps is located in the jungle and the other is located on the island just place the empty cup under the pump and press the pump.Remote Control CarThis is a remote control car it is a nice toy for the Creatures to play with so if your creatures are lonely inject the car and let them play with it.RoachsRoaches Version 2.2 This COB injects an edible object. Roaches are very good nutrition, and taste good, too. They will only live in the damp and/or watery parts of Albia. There should always be a dozen (you know you can never get rid of roaches!). If you want some in one place, smash some that are somewhere else.SheifThis is a cob that injects a sheif so that you can keep stuff away from the Creatures. This COB installs a 26th Room in Albia. This room will appear above the incubator, outlined in pink. You may store items there and the norns cannot reach them. The pink outline will only be visible until the first time you close Albia. The room, however, will still remain.ShitakeThe mushrooms need darkness to grow. After the logs fill, you may place them almost anywhere except in very hot, dry places. In very hot, dry places the culture on the log will whither and eventually die. As long as the log has not completely dried out, you may rejuvenate it in a dark place. The logs initially appear near the kitchen door, where they will not die. This COB injects a food object. Shitake Mushroom Logs grow 10 bites of moderately pleasant and nourishing food.SpaghettiThe Spaghetti cob is a bowl of spaghetti that appears near the stove in the kitchen. The Spaghetti cob has the following results to the creature eating it: Need for Pleasue decrease: 50 Hunger : - 190 Hotness increase : 40 Energy : + 100SpiderAfter injecting this COB to CREATURES a spider's net will appear in the cave. You will see a spider sitting on the net or running around on it. If a cave fly touches the net, the cave fly will stick on the net and the spider will eat the cave fly once the spider found a caught fly. The spider and the spiders net do not have any results to your norns.Stawberry CakeThis cob injects strawberry cake and Creatures love it. The Strawberry Cake has the following results to the norn eating it: This is the effects that the strawberry cake does to Creatures. Hunger: -150 Tiredness: - 60 Glucose: +100 Vitamin C: + 70Stove SheifCabinet Shelf v1.0 This is a cob that creates a shelf on the cabinet. (in the same room as the incubator) You will not be able to see it, but you can easily place objects on top of the cabinet. SubmarineThis COB is to remedy a defect in a small number of AMC Class 2 submarines that led to them taking on water and sinking. Pressing INJECT will check whether your sunken submarine is salvagable and if so bring it to the surface and upgrade the window sealant. If your submarine is too far down then a replacement will be provided. This COB will not increase the number of submarines in your world, although some submarines deemed beyond help sometimes return.Super SpeachThe Super Speech Toy allows Norns (or Grendels!) on the go to learn new words without the aid of the computer. When the object is touched, it says a word 6 times, to make sure any creatures in earshot learn the word properly. By playing with this often enough, any Norn or Grendel can learn the complete language. This is an improvement over the original Speech Toy in that it can say any of 50 known words, not just the original 14 used by the computer. You can teach Norns and Grendels the names of objects, vehicles, each other, and even drives and needs. Words are arranged in four categories. In addition, the Super Speech Toy plays a sound and has the following effect on all Norns in earshot whenever it is played: Need For Pleasure: -10 Boredom: -10TamagochVirtual Life for Virtual Life! Tamagochi for Norns is a virtual pet. Playing with it will help reduce anger, lonelyness and boredom (in Norns, Grendels or perhaps yourself!) Tamagochi can really help out lonely Norns on their own, or angry Grendels. Just like the real thing, it seems to be somewhat addictive!Tickle FeatherThis COB will inject a feather into Albia. This feather acts the same as the hand, tickling the norn when it's activated or touching the norn.Tickle Me NornThis COB injects a toy can containing a Tickle-Me Norn toy. Tickle-Me cannot be picked up once out of the can. When pushed Tickle-Me does one of four random things, all of which relieve boredom and need for pleasure in norns. After about 1 minute of no activity, Tickle-Me returns to the can.TitanicThis is a model of R.M.S. Titanic... Titanic will make the norns the norns feel less crowded and less angry. It will also make them slightly cold and tired Copy the SPR file to the CREATURES/IMAGES directory I have included an Titanic.RCB file This is a SHOWER object.TomatoThis is a tomato just like the ones already in Creatures.Tomato VenderThis is a portable Tomato Vender it dispenses one tomato at a timeTvThis cob is a tv that is located right out side the house and you can get the video recorder for it.Twinkie VenderThis cob is for those Creatures nuts that love twinkies now your Creatures can love them too it is a portable twinkie vender it dispenses one twinkie at a time.VideoThis cob is the Video Recorder for the tv but don't inject it unless you have the tv already injected.Water DispenserThis is a portable water dispenser it dispenses one cup of water and they can be drunk from three times.Weed KillerThis cob is real good because it removes all the weeds from Creatures so that none of your creatures get sick.WhoopieThis is a whoopie cushion it is for those old farts out there and it can only be pushed by the Creatures but you can move it with the hand.Wine For TwoThis COB injects a vendor and two drinks. Each glass holds the same as a hooch can. The effects are the same. When the glass is empty, it must be held against the wine bottle while the wine bottle is pressed. You can do this yourself by dropping the glass next to the bottle, and then pressing the bottle. See if you can teach your norns to "get drink" and then "press vendor". The bottle and glasses appear near the greenhouse by the garden.
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